

  1. At first I thought I broke my browser game again when I tried to open it at school. Then I realized school still uses Internet Explorer 8 and I haven't been doing any wrong (I mean, like, really. I should support an outdated browser which can't even understand what "height=30%" means?)

    Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:26:12 UTC from web
    1. @omni Put Firefox Portable on a flash drive???

      Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:27:28 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @redenchilada @omni I'm partial to

        Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:30:09 UTC from web
        1. @colfax @redenchilada We can't run EXE files from executables

          Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:33:57 UTC from web
          1. @omni From USB sticks*

            Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:34:20 UTC from web
          2. @omni What a lame school.

            Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:34:56 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @redenchilada I know :(

              Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:36:34 UTC from web
              1. @omni Our school gives us lots of freedom to run whatever. 'S nice.

                Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:37:58 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @redenchilada Our school used to be mediocre strict. Then a friend of mine abused a lot of vulnerabilities for fun. Printing tons of black pages on the teacher printer, copying over a(n unencryped!) database with all personal student info, hacking the admin account and turning himself into an admin. Etc, etc. Our system admin still sucks at his job (you can execute .exe files you "open" from the Internet without saving, but not otherwise) but I try to not misbehave, even though using IE8 is pretty much asking for trouble. Thinking of that, is there any site which REALLY kills IE8? :P

                  Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:40:28 UTC from web
                  1. @omni oh, my school was a lame too

                    Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:41:21 UTC from web
    2. @omni The standard has some weird stuff involving hight, including that all block level parents of a fluid with element should have some sort of width set in (same for height) soo..

      Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:29:12 UTC from web
      1. @minti science is cool! Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep.

        Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:34:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone