

  1. "Now you are at my House." should be in the bio blacklist. All I've ever seen that in are spambots' profiles.

    Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:48:04 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada "Now you are at my House" is my prog-rock seduction concept album title.

      Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:48:54 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Along with the URL

      Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:48:59 UTC from web
      1. @colfax Yeah, that's obviously a spamvertisement site.

        Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:50:03 UTC from web
    3. @redenchilada why do i find this extremely hilarious?

      Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:49:33 UTC from web
    4. @redenchilada I'm going to put that in my profile now.

      Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:49:46 UTC from web