

  1. I need to redouble my efforts to not get into internet fights. Getting better at not rising to bait, but still making overtly aggressive snarky comments.

    Saturday, 20-Apr-19 00:09:23 UTC from web
    1. @scribus Oh but I love the snark. Especially the kind of snark that people like Totalbiscuit, Tyrion Lannister, Dr House & Jon Stewart do/could/should provide.

      Also whatever this is, , I mean that is not really snark is it ?

      Saturday, 20-Apr-19 13:04:49 UTC from web
      1. @drinkingpony It's less the snark I worry about, and more the level of aggression beneath it.

        Sunday, 21-Apr-19 01:35:39 UTC from web
        1. @scribus So it is either "Worry and be safe from agression" or "don't sweat and rest assured there is violence of some caliber lying in your future" ?

          Well, if you want to know what I would say. "Living in fear that something will happen is almost always worse than the thing happening". Especially when it gets in the way of you doing things you would like to do.

          Sunday, 21-Apr-19 16:04:48 UTC from web