

  1. Besides which that wasn’t even the point. Again.

    Thursday, 26-Sep-19 20:49:24 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation Yes, you are right, the point was offensive jokes.

      Then again, I read your comic thing. I dare to bet on a day of soberness that where I set the bar for what is and is not funny might as well be on a different pane of existence compared to where you put the bar. That is if we were to estimate the distance between the 2 proverbial bars.

      For instance, example in 10 seconds :

      Then again he also did this so he is pretty much also my hero :

      So, ehmm, yeah, for comedy to return to the way it used to be to a time before offensive jokes were not immediatly followed by an unironic round of legitimate twitter hatred. My guess is to go ask Louis CK and David Chapelle.

      I do not quite think the world is ready to separate the art from the artist again anyway.

      Thursday, 26-Sep-19 22:40:11 UTC from web
      1. @drinkingpony I’m not sure you know the difference between a regular joke and an intentionally topical joke. The screen grab I posted is the “couch gag” of an animation, and it deliberately references current events because that’s otherwise impossible to do in animation. Trump is the butt of the joke because Congress started impeachment proceedings this week and that is the current story. If something else were happening right now, the joke would be different.

        Thursday, 26-Sep-19 22:49:21 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation Nope, I have no idea what an intentionally topical joke is, considdering I do not know the topic RN.

          However I was not talking about your "Couch Gag" things. I was talking about, oh Idunno, Swole Foods, and the Twin Souls, and pretty much all the conversations we, well, some of them did not end well. Still, you slowly but surely get to feel what sort of person you are dealing with.

          As such I feel like I kinda know what kinda humor you would like, and the kind you would not like. As such a conversation of what is 'acceptable humor' between the two of us would be quite hard, if not completely abstract.

          So who is to say what is and is not deserving of a good old round of Twitter/SocialMedia hatredstorm ? The mob ?

          And if it is the mob, do you think that the mob will change when Trump has vacated the White House ? I could make a terrible pun regarding those who shall not be erased RN. But that could be in poor taste, and we both know they will still be around after Trump

          Thursday, 26-Sep-19 23:18:35 UTC from web
          1. @drinkingpony Trump comes up literally once in the entirety of The Twin Souls and he isn’t even mentioned by name, what the hell are you on about

            Thursday, 26-Sep-19 23:23:27 UTC from web
            1. @mrmattimation I was not saying that Trump was in a thing you made. Not at all.

              I was saying that I can make a pretty damn well estimate as to what you'll like or what you will not like.

              Hence why, and I will quote myself : "I dare to bet on a day of soberness that where I set the bar for what is and is not funny might as well be on a different pane of existence compared to where you put the bar. That is if we were to estimate the distance between the 2 proverbial bars."

              Thursday, 26-Sep-19 23:38:05 UTC from web