

  1. I know that ad blocking is a hotly contested right (you're free to do it but you're trash and a thief if so tends to be the argument against it), but when a site pops all sorts of boxes over the content telling me to turn it off, I usually just leave. Even if I'm cool with the publisher, I don't think they realize how complicated it actually is to turn all that off correctly. First I have to allow the scripts for the ad network, usually churning through several refreshes of layered scripts (using an ad network is a major turnoff. It's better if you run your own ads. Coincidentally those ads are far less likely to be blocked by default since they're custom!!!1!), then I have to unblock it in my content blocker, THEN I have to remember to turn that junk back off before I leave. Temporary permissions aren't good enough, because you still have to remember to click the button to revoke them.

    Thursday, 05-Mar-20 02:05:37 UTC from web
    1. @thismightbeauser There is literally zero compelling reason to NOT use an ad blocker, site design these days is garbage, laden with so many ads the site itself no longer functions. Not to mention trackers. I refuse to feel ashamed of it. Mother'effers drove me to it.

      Thursday, 05-Mar-20 02:33:25 UTC from web