

  1. Like I said - I have no reason to believe I’ve got it other than this cold, which is also going around right now. No fever, no headaches, nothing. Just congestion.

    Thursday, 19-Mar-20 19:31:33 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation Go cough on a rich person and see if they test positive

      Thursday, 19-Mar-20 19:52:15 UTC from web
      1. @scribus I realize you're just joking, but with all of the ill will that circulates about rich people, it makes me wonder if the stigma is self-perpetuating because all the smart (good?) ones don't talk about their wealth. So it looks like rich people are scabs when in reality the scabs are the only ones talking about having money at all.

        Thursday, 19-Mar-20 22:44:25 UTC from web
        1. @thismightbeauser I often wonder that, myself, to be honest. Inconclusively.

          Thursday, 19-Mar-20 23:18:35 UTC from web
        2. @thismightbeauser But, the Carnegie and Rockefeller and all those families, they used to do public works and stuff. They may have been hoarding the wealth, but not damn *all* of it. Their flash contest was at least servicing the greater good as a side effect of the ostentation. This new crop seems more about raw, bigly yuge numbers, and hoarding, like a dragon (or a priapism). But, again, this is all coming around to perception. . . .

          Thursday, 19-Mar-20 23:22:24 UTC from web
          1. @scribus I mean, there's Bill Gates and whatnot. On the other hand you get people like this guy, who think it's an okay idea to keep making electric cars at a moderately high risk of illness to his employees with no one to buy them.

            Friday, 20-Mar-20 05:35:27 UTC from web
        3. @thismightbeauser @scribus That is indeed the case, a lot of rich people have middle class cars and discrete houses and do their best to keep people from knowing how rich they are, due to the general sentiment of "wealth equals evil"
          You can't blame them really, if the mob will hate you just for managing to make good decisions and earning your family big money. I'd probably do the same if I couldn't simply relocate to a fortified compound with a minefield around it. It makes no sense to feel empathy for a group that has none for you, for whom you'll always be the bad guy regardless of what you do or don't do, that openly talks about how good it'd be if you died.

          The ones that show off are the sociopaths, politicians and entertainment industry guys, who by default are crooks as that whole industry is built on crime and debauchery.

          Saturday, 21-Mar-20 20:37:37 UTC from web