

  1. they caught these two teenagers that have been going around robbing stores around town... somehow mine was the only one that didn’t get hit......... not that I had anything to do with it or anything, but let’s not ask too many questions now, alright?

    Thursday, 20-May-21 08:26:55 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra Does your store chain its fire exit shut to prevent shoplifting?

      Thursday, 20-May-21 15:18:57 UTC from web
      1. @scribus Nope, shoplifters just use the regular exits regardless. Nah, these kids were like showing up overnight, smashing the windows, and grabbing whatever cash they could before dipping (which, at my store, would have been about $900)

        Thursday, 20-May-21 18:57:49 UTC from web
        1. @zeldatra Oh, damn dude! That's pretty outright. I just knew a guy who's crew used to target a specific store because the liquor was right by the fire door; their solution was simpler than reorganizing the store, but otherwise problematic, lol

          Thursday, 20-May-21 19:10:16 UTC from web