

  1. Well, buried my great-uncle today (he married Grandpa's sister). Learned some fun numbers during the eulogy, like him being 1 of 7 children (who survived, out of 16), or the realization that at 68 years+ together, their marriage was legally old enough to retire.

    Wednesday, 26-May-21 04:39:07 UTC from web
    1. @scribus only tangentially related, but i have a batcave-load of both biological and marriage-related family that i've never met for various reasons. On the biological side, my grandmother was adopted out of a family of mostly prostitutes and drug dealers. On the marital side, my mother's half-sister's father is (was, he might be dead) apparently a high-ranking member of the Puerto Rican Mafia up in New York, powerful enough that he had my grandmother and my grandfather arrested on trumped-up kidnapping charges when she left him.

      Wednesday, 26-May-21 04:50:06 UTC from web