

  1. Tracked down the artist on Newgrounds... they haven't logged in since 2012 and their website is a dead link. Balls

    Sunday, 06-Jun-21 06:17:56 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra Now you're gonna have to go viral on Twitter and hope they find you

      Sunday, 06-Jun-21 06:24:41 UTC from web
      1. @scribus am currently in the process of a) DMing ALL of her social medias, on the off chance that she still checks any of them, and b) emailing the administrator for the forum we met on, on the off chance that he 1) still reads his emails, and 2) has any of her contact information.

        Sunday, 06-Jun-21 06:58:12 UTC from web
        1. @zeldatra Good luck, dude

          Sunday, 06-Jun-21 07:23:17 UTC from web