

  1. So my state is a week away from TOTAL REOPENING (except where it stays restricted) and non-vaccinated people are supposed to still wear a mask indoors so . . . 90% is 100 now, yay for New Math!!

    Thursday, 10-Jun-21 01:06:49 UTC from web
    1. @scribus I was incredibly worried about this when Virginia re-opened, and granted I don't know what vaccination statistics are like over there, but over here despite my worries we're only seeing, like, five new cases a day in Fairfax County, which is the most populous county in the state, so I'm a lot less worried now than I was at the time

      Thursday, 10-Jun-21 01:52:25 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra I'm more amused that it's a "total" reopening (with asterisks) than worried in any way

        Thursday, 10-Jun-21 06:39:23 UTC from web