

  1. How are you gonna not know Pride, but still think you have a sufficient bead on the LGBTQIA++ scene to have an opinion at all?

    Sunday, 13-Jun-21 03:37:06 UTC from web
    1. @scribus She’s also a very loud… Biden supporter. It’s very weird.

      Sunday, 13-Jun-21 03:49:16 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra Some people. . . .

        Sunday, 13-Jun-21 03:50:01 UTC from web
        1. @scribus We live in a liberal area compared to the rest of Virginia outside of Richmond and Newport News, but like, that’s like saying Georgia is liberal compared to the rest of the Deep South if you know what I mean. So she talks about how she voted foe Biden to customers then gets upset with me when they yell at her. I tell her to stop talking politics at work then, and tells me she has a right to free speech. And I tell her “yes you do, but so do they” and she just… can’t grasp that. Then she complains to corporate because I “discriminated” against her over her politics. She’s genuinely incomprehensible.

          Sunday, 13-Jun-21 03:55:24 UTC from web