

  1. So I’ve got kind of a conundrum, I think I may have done something a little inappropriate. After I got transferred out of my store, I left my discord & such for some of the employees who were around my age in case they ever wanted to chat since I wasn’t going to be working it’s any of them anymore and I thought some of them were pretty cool. One of them was about 19, he’s a lot of fun to talk to but I was a bit iffy because he’s just out of high school. I know there’s nothing inherently weird about that given that I’m a pretty young guy, but he was still one of my employees for a long time, he started working here when he was sixteen. Now he wants me to hang out with him and his friends sometime, which, again, not inherently weird, but they’re all fresh out of high school too. I’m starting to feel like a little bit of a creep now, because I am getting invited to outings with all of these people who just graduated a year ago. Am I over thinking this, or did I screw up?

    Saturday, 26-Jun-21 00:38:47 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra Eh, some "border crossing" is kind of inevitable around that point, just don't buy them booze or smokes and it should be fine (unless they're dweebs)

      Saturday, 26-Jun-21 06:57:17 UTC from web
      1. @scribus Yeah I didn’t even buy beer for my friends in college after I turned 21 as like a purely moral thing, don’t plan to do it here either

        Saturday, 26-Jun-21 08:21:45 UTC from web