

  1. No, not Donald Trump telling Republicans not to vote if he isn’t reinstated. Anything but that.

    Thursday, 14-Oct-21 00:41:34 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra OK so what even can his "plan" be, here? If he is reinstated, no 2024 run. If he isn't, and he does run, THEY WON'T BE VOTING right? So.... I mean, just... WTH mate???

      Friday, 15-Oct-21 14:58:41 UTC in context
    • @scribus if he were actually running for re-election he probably would have filed the paperwork already. There’s nothing stopping him and for 2020 he filed on his first day in office. Instead he’s registered a PAC which can collect money for any number of purposes besides presidential campaigns (legal fees). The “plan” is to make as much money as possible while sabotaging the national GOP out of spite for not being more supportive of him while he was President. He requested a while back that his supporters send money to his MAGA PAC, instead of the other Republican-aligned funds that help Republicans in Congress get elected.

      Friday, 15-Oct-21 20:25:17 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra See, the thing is, that all makes total sense... but Papa Spraytan doesn't, heh

      Saturday, 16-Oct-21 15:09:10 UTC in context
    • @scribus Oh, also, if he WERE “reinstated” he technically would be allowed to run for a second full term because the only method possible for “reinstatement” involves Republicans winning back the House, making him Speaker, and somehow winning 17 extra Senate seats with a map where they’ll be lucky if they get three, then impeaching/removing Biden-Harris simultaneously for ?????, which obviously would not be possible until 2023, when the next Congress is sworn in. So long as he is sworn in on January 21st or later, he would be allowed to run for another four year term since finish that term would bring him to just under the constitutional limit of ten years. If that’s his plan, it’s an incredibly contrived and unrealistic plan, but it is technically a plan nonetheless.

      Sunday, 17-Oct-21 06:49:52 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra Damn, that's right... Nth dimension chess for sure

      Sunday, 17-Oct-21 16:56:27 UTC in context