

  1. I just had a customer accuse me of racially profiling her (from what I can tell, purely because I checked her id on an alcohol purchase) and she said “I used to work here, so, I know how it goes”, which I can literally only interpret as “I know you’re profiling me because I used to profile people”

    Sunday, 26-Jun-22 16:05:59 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra I thought places made it store policy to card everyone specifically to avoid this, and tradition made it policy to always card a lady because they'll be flattered

      Sunday, 26-Jun-22 20:18:31 UTC from web
      1. @scribus She watched me card a white guy with fully gray hair just before that, she was just trying to cause problems.

        Sunday, 26-Jun-22 20:58:14 UTC from web