

  1. Embarrassingly, I did not know that Parry Gripp was the guitarist for Nerf Herder until just now.

    Monday, 13-Feb-23 03:08:37 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra I got to see them open for MC Frontalot at the club where River Phoenix died

      Monday, 13-Feb-23 18:37:19 UTC from web
      1. @scribus That sounds rad. One of the script treatments I’m writing as part of this series pitch is a spoof of supernatural media & part of me wonders, supposing I had to stay on the web, how difficult/expensive it’d be to get Nerf Herder to perform a cover of the Swole Foods theme song for that one. Definitely one of my production fantasies.

        Monday, 13-Feb-23 18:42:28 UTC from web