

  1. I’m questioning the wisdom of airing a COVID episode during the new Futurama season in much the same way somebody twenty years older than me probably wondered what the hell that Bush tax cut episode was about

    about 10 months ago from web
    1. @zeldatra Wait am I 20 years older? I recall getting it just fine on the first run.

      about 10 months ago from web
      1. @scribus More so in the sense that it was old news by the time the episode aired - the rebate was a pre-9/11 initiative, the episode aired in 2003, & even on the DVD commentary the writers acknowledge it was a bit of a dated topic at the time. Of course everyone gets the COVID episode, but it feels a bit LATE to do a COVID episode.

        about 10 months ago from web
        1. @zeldatra oh, that would make sense. I'm terrible at comparative chronology or whatever, dates were always the worst part of history class lol

          about 10 months ago from web
      2. @scribus (I have been staying up way too late lately, that math should have been much more obvious)

        about 10 months ago from web