

  1. It sounds obvious in retrospect that you should just play 0 first anyway but I wasn’t expecting them to insert much from 0 into the remakes given how closely the actual story cutscenes stick to the source material

    about 10 months ago from web
    1. @zeldatra I started with 0 as it is basically the beginning of Kiryus story, even though it was told much later after the Yakuza 1 release. 0 has some minor spoilers for 4 and quite some references to other installments. It didn't bother me. I rather liked it because I got an 'aha' moment and understood the reference retroactively, making the scene a little bit richer and due to the backstory aspect more understandable. The problem one can see more is making the decision when to play 0. When it comes to real downgrades Yakuza games 3 is the one that aged the worst, as it didn't get the Kiwami treatment and modernizing the controls and gameplay feel. Looking back on it it has some endearing retro aspect of the PS3 era when looking past those flaws. Generally starting with Kiwami 1 isn't bad either gameplay-wise, as the other games feel much more open and there are more areas besides Kamurocho.

      about 10 months ago from web