

  1. Got the new Cities Skylines, fun times fun times! Got a weird fixation on a six-sided grid as opposed to the regular right angles and all. It's obsessive, I can't stop. It's like some kind of curse. Or maybe even a hex!

    about 6 months ago from web
    1. @scribus I have hundreds of hours in the first one and the second one is driving me absolutely insane because of how much more in-depth it is, I can’t approach things the way I did in the first game because the first game didn’t have apple like air pollution, so now I gotta not put my factories upwind of a suburb. This is a good thing, I get sort of complacent in how I game, it just surprised me how much the game tries to kick old players’ asses in some regards.

      about 6 months ago from web
      1. @zeldatra I spent half an hour relocating a water pump and even the road leading up to it, trying to get better than 10% efficiency. Then I found out that it actually needs to be fully staffed to be fully functional :o

        about 6 months ago from web