

  1. # Celestia has green hair?

    Thursday, 27-Sep-12 13:41:02 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin so, she is bald

      Thursday, 27-Sep-12 13:43:10 UTC from web
    2. @thelastgherkin Everybody knows that Celestia is an offspring of an elder dragon that created the world. Through time she evolved into a pony with feathers and hair and lost all her scales. The horns transformed into one... And so on. That would explain her long lifespan. #

      Thursday, 27-Sep-12 13:48:01 UTC from Choqok
      1. @broniebrown O_O Wow... That is insane

        Thursday, 27-Sep-12 13:48:58 UTC from web
        1. @cutiemarkcrusader I know. It is as insane as claiming that Equestria is formed after a postnucular world that is now inhabited by magical creatures and all human remains are destroyed. (inb4 it is just like Adventure Time)

          Thursday, 27-Sep-12 13:53:12 UTC from Choqok
          1. @broniebrown O_O That's..... Creepy

            Thursday, 27-Sep-12 13:53:51 UTC from web