

  1. If you left Zulf to die, you are a horrible person

    Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:00:15 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 Or maybe, "If you are a horrible person, you left Zulf to die."

      Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:00:55 UTC from web
    2. @purplephish20 Bite me.

      Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:01:00 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark noms

        Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:01:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @omni stops nomming x.x

          Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:09:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @omni GASP!! You ate him!

            Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:13:44 UTC from web
            1. @nlghtmaremoon I only nommed on him, I never bit him Q.Q

              Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:16:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      2. @ceruleanspark Nyeh

        Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:02:20 UTC from web
      3. @ceruleanspark Dude... the Caelondians DID try to wipe out his race...

        Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:05:03 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 And he tried to destroy the only method of setting things to rights again afterwards.

          Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:20:43 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark well wouldnt you be a wee little bit buthurt after what happened? If you were in his shoes...

            Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:26:00 UTC from web
            1. @purplephish20 All the more reason to think twice before taking irrevocable actions.

              Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:31:41 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark He WAS completely misinformed about what actually happened though I think... Vg jnf mvnf sngure jub fgnegrq gur pnynzvgl

                Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:36:44 UTC from web
                1. @purplephish20 Jryy, ur jnf bar bs gur qrirybcref bs gur zrtnfcryy/ahpyrne jrncba zrgncube, ohg ur jnf nyfb gur bar jub rkcyvpvgyl fnobgntrq vg ABG gb shapgvba nf vagraqrq.

                  Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:38:41 UTC from web
                  1. @ceruleanspark Off Topic, but I try and read all encrypted posts phonetically. It makes me smile :3

                    Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:39:30 UTC from web
                    1. @cavatina That's why I've always wanted Al Bhed instead of ROT13.

                      Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:40:01 UTC from web
                      1. @ceruleanspark YES. DO IT. DO IT. DOO. ITTT. I'M FLUENT! :3

                        Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:40:57 UTC from web
                  2. @ceruleanspark I need to do a third playthrough...

                    Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:41:55 UTC from web
    3. @purplephish20 GEE THANKS FOR THE SPOILER BRO

      Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:19:28 UTC from web
      1. @ecmc

        Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:25:11 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 You may want to have that looked at...

          Saturday, 29-Sep-12 23:26:41 UTC from web