Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:32:26 UTC from web-
@desiros what do u mean?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:45:19 UTC from web -
@desiros That's a 23-16. Let's go!
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:45:48 UTC from web-
@bitshift Perfect response XD
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:52:03 UTC from web
@desiros ok a entire cantaloupe that is a big mouth
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:48:06 UTC from web-
@nicdb what are you guys talking about?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:49:59 UTC from web-
@wade1423 IDK!
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:51:23 UTC from web-
@nicdb who is steve, and where can i watch this cantalope eating?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:52:18 UTC from web-
@wade1423 dont ask me i got on and i see that some one is going to put a cantaloupe in there mouth and just like u it cot my eye.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:54:08 UTC from web-
@nicdb where can i see him do it?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:54:35 UTC from web-
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:56:25 UTC from web
@desiros Oh hello Steve~
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:52:23 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino You would know what Steve could fit in his mouth wouldn't you?
@greenenchilada He can fit it all.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:57:57 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Mmmhmmm
@anarchycarcino Oh hi
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:52:11 UTC from web-
@desiros What's up?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:56:26 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Jus chillin
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:57:57 UTC from web-
@desiros That's good. Friday alone eh?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:58:37 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Nah, got Oktoberfest tomorrow
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:59:01 UTC from web-
@desiros Sounds fun. Drink some beer for me.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:01:25 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Will do.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:04:20 UTC from web-
@desiros And then sing.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:05:25 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino will do!
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:05:54 UTC from web-
@desiros Are you even old enough to drink.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:06:34 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Not really, I'm kidding over here
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:07:07 UTC from web-
@desiros Why do you hate me?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:07:42 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Noo I no hate you
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:08:29 UTC from web-
@desiros You do.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:08:50 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Do you want me to?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:10:07 UTC from web-
@desiros No. I want you to love me unconditionally.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:10:37 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Ok
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:11:24 UTC from web-
@desiros <3<?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:13:09 UTC from web
@desiros @anarchycarcino LOVE OT HATE
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:10:39 UTC from web-
@rainbowmaui NOT
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:10:48 UTC from web -
@rainbowmaui Everyone is black rom for Carcino.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:10:55 UTC from web-
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:11:27 UTC from web
@rainbowmaui You heard me. I am the ultimate Kismesis.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:13:01 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Lalalalala!
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:13:52 UTC from web
@rainbowmaui I think he's trying to put you in his caliginous quadrant.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:13:03 UTC from web-
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:13:36 UTC from web
@rainbowmaui He wants to hatemarry you.
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:13:53 UTC from web-
@bitshift BEET this! #LOL
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:15:21 UTC from web-
@rainbowmaui :|
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:15:47 UTC from web-
@bitshift :D
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:16:05 UTC from web
@rainbowmaui I think you're about to get beat. ;-p
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:20:55 UTC from web-
@candlescribus I CAN TOAST TO THAT
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:21:21 UTC from web-
@rainbowmaui Mmm.... I like toast.... :d
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:22:40 UTC from web-
@candlescribus SCRIBBBBBBBUS! i like that word. :D
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 04:23:28 UTC from web
@desiros where can i see this canolope eating?
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 02:57:18 UTC from web-
@wade1423 !gravityfalls that's where
Saturday, 06-Oct-12 03:52:41 UTC from web
@thatonestocking Slut Babies: Next reality TV show.