

  1. The hell's with this new avatar fad, anyhoo?

    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:29:50 UTC from web
    1. @earflaps Blame-- I mean you can thank @ponygeist last night, when he was head-over-heels over this.

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:30:58 UTC from web
    2. @earflaps Yeah, I brought this evil here. I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAm proud.

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:34:54 UTC from web
      1. @ponygeist I shall never join you! (unless you make one for <--- that picture)

        Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:37:19 UTC from web
        1. @earflaps Got a larger version I can work with?

          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:39:59 UTC from web
          1. @ponygeist Will this do?

            Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:46:07 UTC from web
            1. @earflaps Yes

              Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:50:09 UTC from web
              1. @ponygeist yay~

                Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 17:52:43 UTC from web
                1. @earflaps Hope this works for you

                  Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:19:28 UTC from web
                  1. @ponygeist SO. AWESOME.

                    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:20:23 UTC from web
                    1. @earflaps *ahem* Did you mean "So AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwesome"?

                      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:21:00 UTC from web
                      1. @ponygeist I simply refuse to use the letter in question from now on. Genius, don't you think?

                        Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:22:07 UTC from web
                        1. @earflaps You win this round... THIS round.... DUN DUN DUN

                          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:23:03 UTC from web
                        2. @earflaps Sounds like a plan, but could you tell me what your name is on this site?

                          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:24:23 UTC from web
                          1. @starshine You know it. You used it in your post, you silly little filly!

                            Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:25:41 UTC from web
                            1. @earflaps > @starshine

                              Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:26:19 UTC from web
                              1. @starshine I know you're inferior to me :D

                                Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:27:04 UTC from web
                            2. @earflaps I tricked you, haha. You didn't even have to say YOUR name ;)

                              Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:26:46 UTC from web
                        3. @earflaps Ignore the turnip bucket. Just switch your moniker to Grim. :)

                          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:26:07 UTC from web
                          1. @thelastgherkin <--- The blue text doesn't count, OK?

                            Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:27:29 UTC from web
                            1. @earflaps Oh yes it does!

                              Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:27:59 UTC from web
                              1. @starshine Nope. We wouldn't like to render this impossible for me.

                                Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:28:50 UTC from web
                              2. @starshine

                                Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:30:28 UTC from web
                                1. @loak good Loak, your on, I made this after you left last night.

                                  Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:31:20 UTC from web
                                  1. @carcinopony i want to see this movie

                                    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:32:19 UTC from web
                                    1. @madflavors its shceduled for 2045

                                      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:32:49 UTC from web
                                      1. @carcinopony awesome i totally want to see it

                                        Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:33:32 UTC from web
                                        1. @madflavors be live by then and I'll get you premier tickets.

                                          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:34:21 UTC from web
                                  2. @carcinopony THIS IS THE GREATEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN

                                    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:33:15 UTC from web
                                    1. @loak yaaaaaaay

                                      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:33:55 UTC from web
                                  3. @carcinopony OH GOD NOT THE BEES

                                    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:34:19 UTC from web
                                    1. @thelastgherkin THEY'RE ALL OVER MY EYES

                                      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:35:08 UTC from web
                                    2. @thelastgherkin AAAAAAHHHHHHHH

                                      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:35:09 UTC from web
                                2. @loak

                                  Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:31:23 UTC from web
                            2. @earflaps I feel like joining in with the boycotting. I don't know why.

                              Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:30:00 UTC from web
                              1. @thelastgherkin Well, you didn't do too shoddy with your post there.

                                Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:31:15 UTC from web
    3. @rotation Hey! You're telling me they did more songs? I thought they were festive one-hit wonders!

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 18:33:21 UTC from web