Is it bad i shipped my OC with Sweetie Belle
Monday, 29-Oct-12 05:57:38 UTC from web-
@princeshootingstar Sweeitie Belle is cutest filly so I'd say it's only natural :)
Monday, 29-Oct-12 05:58:47 UTC from web-
@pony Agreed
Monday, 29-Oct-12 05:59:16 UTC from web
@sonorouscadenza That and i think Sweetie Belle is best CMC
Monday, 29-Oct-12 05:59:10 UTC from web -
@sonorouscadenza I think its Sweetie Belle
Monday, 29-Oct-12 05:59:52 UTC from web -
@princeshootingstar You have an OC? yeah, that's bad.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:01:54 UTC from web-
@abigpony ......yes i have an OC
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:02:44 UTC from web-
@princeshootingstar Oh, man. I'm sorry for ya.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:03:35 UTC from web-
@abigpony why is that
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:04:10 UTC from web-
@princeshootingstar Because you're living with OCD. Original Character Disease.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:04:38 UTC from web-
@abigpony .....I have OCD
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:05:04 UTC from web -
@abigpony Let's collaborate on an OC. Also, I haven't even watched the last season, I just watch Switcher uploads.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:06:37 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino It was hilarious. step up.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:09:15 UTC from web-
@abigpony I just didn't care.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:09:25 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Let's make an OC. We have so little autism we have to combine it to make an OC.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:10:49 UTC from web
@abigpony Does creating a character for the RP site count as a personal O.C.? o-O
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:07:04 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur Yes, next question.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:08:34 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Are you more likely to drink alcohol or to troll?
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:09:44 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur Alcohol, People troll them self without me needing to do anything anymore.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:11:11 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Alrighty then... Homestuck or Ponies?
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:12:28 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur Homestuck, because it is more consistently in my life than horses. But expecting MLP to make a new episode daily is bad.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:13:26 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Yeah... that would be nearly impossible. x/
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:15:43 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur Almost impossible, but it could happen. It would just be bad. Though most of season 2 was bland to me, sans the music and last two episodes. Some cartoons have just ruined me at this point, I like plot.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:17:29 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Well, hopefully Season 3 brings new animation and story-related aspects to it.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:20:41 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur Here's to hoping. Just a few more days to go.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:21:30 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Eeyup. Unfortunately School and Work are going to make the coming days a festival of misery. xC
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:23:19 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur DON'T GOT NONE OF THAT.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:24:02 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Lucky dog. xP
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:24:51 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur Yup.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:26:53 UTC from web
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:13:35 UTC from web
@dlcentaur You have a more severe case of OCD.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:08:57 UTC from web-
@abigpony Rock on. x3
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:11:52 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur no, that's bad.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:14:24 UTC from web-
@abigpony Clearly the RP site has warped my comprehension of Good and Bad.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:17:34 UTC from web
@diamonddragon Phones suck sometimes.
Monday, 29-Oct-12 06:29:40 UTC from web