

  1. Wow, thanks bro for applesing up the work I put in calming my little sister. Very mangoesing appreciated. :|

    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:48:45 UTC from web
    1. @neurario Who cherriesed the grapes now?

      Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:49:15 UTC from web
      1. @caberea Ugh, just family. No matter what I always hear my brother yelling at her (she's 6, he's about 10) over petty things and not even bothering to calm her down. I watched the Simpsons with her just now so she could relax. I leave the room afterward and not a minute later they are both screaming at each others' heads. I hate this place...

        Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:51:23 UTC from web
        1. @neurario I learnt that's what family is like

          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:53:42 UTC from web
          1. @caberea I swear I'm the odd one out in my family... I'm one of the only people who doesn't snap on the drop of a hat. At least, I try.

            Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:57:12 UTC from web
        2. @neurario Or at least sisters and brothers

          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:53:53 UTC from web
        3. @neurario ah siblings.. I never lived with more than just my one brother and we're 8 years apart.

          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:54:32 UTC from web
          1. @pony I have FOUR siblings... three sisters and a brother... they can all be horrible in their own way... but i still try to love them as family because they are all i have half the time...

            Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:58:08 UTC from web
            1. @neurario Half? Most of the time

              Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:58:36 UTC from web
            2. @neurario I'd love to have a big family. My wife and I want at least 4 kids, likely 5

              Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:03:23 UTC from web
              1. @pony aren't you, like, 30 with no kids?

                Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:06:14 UTC from web
                1. @abigpony mhm. fertility problems, and we won't be able to adopt until next year probably. Though I doubt it'll happen that soon.

                  Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:09:23 UTC from web
                  1. @pony haha. Your dreams cannot be realized.

                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:26:59 UTC from web
                    1. @abigpony eye twitch bananas!!!

                      Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:28:03 UTC from web
                      1. @pony and no I didn't originally type an obscenity xD

                        Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:28:20 UTC from web
                      2. @pony Why would you want that many kids anyway? Have 1 or 2 and keep them open minded and away from me.

                        Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:31:50 UTC from web
                        1. @abigpony Stop cramming your open-mindedness down others' throats! rage curse rawr

                          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:32:48 UTC from web
                        2. @abigpony but seriously, you seem unduely worried

                          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:33:14 UTC from web
                          1. @pony Huh? No, you'd probably be a great father. Open-mindedness is just always a good thing and I hate myself for not being able to utilize it.

                            Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:34:50 UTC from web
                            1. @abigpony i gotcha. I'd say don't worry, but what good would that do really? :3

                              Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:38:38 UTC from web
                2. @abigpony Oh god, they talked about Resonance of Fate. That game was so difficult, I couldn't beat it man.

                  Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:17:59 UTC from web
                  1. @anarchycarcino I was gonna ask you about it when it came up. I like a challenge. I'm man enough for it.

                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:25:37 UTC from web
                    1. @abigpony I got to the last boss and.. just... The level cap is 100 I think, and I was in my 70s, and the last boss was like 128. The level scaling is so strange in that game. It's really different, and I'm sure you wouldn't like it.

                      Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:28:11 UTC from web
                      1. @anarchycarcino probably not. I still have, like, 20 games to beat. If only I lived by myself and could drive I'd totally 2 bueno buddies play them all.

                        Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:33:03 UTC from web
                        1. @abigpony You don't even look like you own 20 games.

                          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:35:44 UTC from web
                          1. @anarchycarcino I have 17 1/2 in my steam library alone. I still haven't beat Okami and haven't beaten MGS 2 or 3.

                            Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:38:55 UTC from web
                            1. @abigpony Oh yeah, I forgot about steam. MELINDA MEGAMELONS wow this game looks awful.

                              Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:46:05 UTC from web
                              1. @anarchycarcino You didn't see the 2 best friends play of it. It's hilatious.

                                Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:48:27 UTC from web
                                1. @abigpony I told you I've been sticking to The Switcher only. These characters don't look British...

                                  Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:49:24 UTC from web
                                  1. @anarchycarcino of course they don't. The game is straight japanesre

                                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:52:44 UTC from web
                                    1. @abigpony Look at the loli girl, she's totally asian as hell.

                                      Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:58:28 UTC from web
                                      1. @anarchycarcino she's, like, 10

                                        Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:59:09 UTC from web
                                        1. @abigpony She has the breasts of a 15 year old.

                                          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 12:04:26 UTC from web
                                          1. @anarchycarcino what else do you expect from Japan? *all characters expressed over 18*

                                            Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 12:06:21 UTC from web
                                            1. @abigpony Bluh bluh bluh.

                                              Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 12:07:05 UTC from web
              2. @pony I'm not going to have kids... can't stand them xD

                Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:11:48 UTC from web
                1. @neurario Same here haha. I'd be such a terrible father, and I couldn't bring myself to subject some poor kid to that. Frankly as far as I'm concerned, being a bananasty parent might as well be the same thing as abuse.

                  Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:13:47 UTC from web
                  1. @toksyuryel OMG that is the greatest word ever. Bananasty. Thank you wordfilter for making me laugh.

                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:14:32 UTC from web
                  2. @toksyuryel Not sure if that was a censor or not by "bananasty" is my new favorite word.

                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:14:51 UTC from web
                  3. @toksyuryel But yeah, I mean, maybe that'll change, but I doubt it. I just want to be with my significant other, that's all I need

                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:15:58 UTC from web
                    1. @neurario I hope you two can move in together soon! ☺

                      Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:17:19 UTC from web
                      1. @toksyuryel It miiiight be a while... it's one of those internet things, he's in NY :x

                        Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:18:03 UTC from web
                        1. @neurario Keep trying! Never give up. As long as you're both alive, you can still make it.

                          Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:19:56 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel I'll do my best <3 until then though, a friend of mine set me up with Google Voice through... geo magic, so I can SMS him whenever I can't talk to him on IM <3

                            Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:22:42 UTC from web
                            1. @neurario Can you also do voice that way? 'cause if not, I've got a way to do phone-to-phone calling for close to free.

                              Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:28:52 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              1. @ceruleanspark I can, but I've never tried, half for fear of accidentally forwarding the call to my friend's number, but it goes through GTalk

                                Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:31:23 UTC from web
                          2. @toksyuryel So at the very least we can be virtually together a lot of the time :)

                            Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:23:02 UTC from web
                            1. @neurario Good good! Now, are you busy? Would you like to play a game?

                              Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:23:50 UTC from web
                              1. @toksyuryel Now now, Jigsaw, I'm not really the best target... xD Yeah I can hop on SK for a little while, I guess we could work on getting some more ranked missions done?

                                Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:25:07 UTC from web
                                1. @neurario We can do anything you want to do ☺ just remember, this is about you having fun! Don't go stressing yourself out and beating yourself up like you did last night.

                                  Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:26:19 UTC from web
                                  1. @toksyuryel sure thing :) sorry about that btw, horrible habit.

                                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:29:33 UTC from web
                2. @neurario hehe. My wife comes from a family with 6 kids, and I grew up around my aunt+uncle's family that had 8 kids. I guess we're gluttons for punishment ^_^

                  Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:15:55 UTC from web
                  1. @pony I guess I won't understand. XD But good luck to you both <3

                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:17:25 UTC from web
                    1. @neurario thanks :3

                      Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 11:19:29 UTC from web
    2. @neurario yay word filters!

      Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:50:52 UTC from web