

  1. !ukponies IT BEGINS.

    Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:17:40 UTC from web
    1. @princessthelastgherkin poor Rarity! Snubbed by Sky's guide D:

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:21:33 UTC from web
      1. @motherpucker And since when was Twilight's primary character trait "beautiful"?

        Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:24:07 UTC from web
        1. @princessthelastgherkin But she is ;_;

          Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:33:40 UTC from web
          1. @quetzalcoatl But if you'd describe Twilight in one word? Bookish. Learned, perhaps. Intelligent. It's like they're marketing this show to girls! What the heck do they think they're doing?

            Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:38:29 UTC from web
            1. @princessthelastgherkin Yeah, I dunno.

              Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:41:50 UTC from web
            2. @princessthelastgherkin I know! wtf -_-

              Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:42:44 UTC from web
            3. @princessthelastgherkin if they really wanted to market the show, they'd say she can turn into a rapidash #

              Monday, 27-Jun-11 13:02:15 UTC from web
        2. @princessthelastgherkin yeah, I was thinking the same....looool.

          Monday, 27-Jun-11 12:35:56 UTC from web
    2. @princessthelastgherkin Yay!

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 16:56:50 UTC from web