

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @zach121k Just give me a few weeks to book a helicopter.

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:26:35 UTC from web
      1. @thedprper I can get an Apache in 20 minutes, a blackhawk in half an hour, and a hind in about three hours, anything else I'd have to special order and might take longer, unless I can snag something off the repairline.

        Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:30:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @colfax Are you being silly?

          Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:31:21 UTC from web
          1. @thedprper Let's just say I've led a checkered life.

            Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:32:55 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @colfax I gathered that. But can you actually do it?

              Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:34:58 UTC from web
              1. @thedprper A few years ago, definitely, these days I'm not so sure, a lot of the people I used to know at Picatinny Arsenal have retired... but it's fun to pretend I still could *shrugs*

                Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:37:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @colfax I am pretty sure all the people I knew couldn't be harder to get close to even if they had a restraining order against me.

                  Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:42:49 UTC from web
                  1. @thedprper I have a couple of those laying around here somewhere, funny how some people don't believe me when I warn them I have lots of free time and almost no moral compass whatsoever.

                    Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:50:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @colfax Hm... Note to Self: Never Ever cherries off Colfax.

                      Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:51:58 UTC from web
                      1. @thedprper the only brony that you can dole of and get away with it is @carcinopony

                        Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:53:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                      2. @thedprper Well, in my own defense, the guy did beat up the girl who was still my sister at the time... and he had a really nice car, emphasis on had.

                        Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:54:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @colfax Nice. Actually, you sound a lot like how I am.

                          Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:55:22 UTC from web
                          1. @thedprper Yeah, well, I've been tryng to get away from being like that so much... I got tired of being angry all the time, it's no way to live, I just wish I'd figured it out sooner, might have some actual friends instead of just some people I kinda know

                            Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:59:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            1. @colfax I have been trying, and failing, for a while now, I think I am making some progress though.

                              Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:02:21 UTC from web
                              1. @thedprper @colfax It's a long path, difficult at times, but it's worth it even to be further along, if not completely there.

                                Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:14:33 UTC from web
                                1. @scribus Truth. I have actually felt happy recently. That was a good day/

                                  Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:16:51 UTC from web
                        2. @colfax You, sir, are a badass.

                          Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:57:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                          1. @nvrrmbr This is truth. I salute you @colfax . How did you destroy the car anyway?

                            Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:58:36 UTC from web
                            1. @thedprper My old standby, thermite, three cans of it set front back and center along with a hundred pounds or so of aluminum shavings scattered in the interior, thanks to the friend of a friend of a friend that worked in a machine shop.

                              Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:02:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              1. @colfax Sir, today you became 20% cooler in my eyes. You are AWESOME.

                                Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:04:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                1. @nvrrmbr I don't feel very awesome, I just feel tired, I have a headache and my chest hurts...

                                  Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:10:41 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              2. @colfax Thermite? Awesome.

                                Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:05:00 UTC from web
    2. @zach121k Activate stealth ninja mode for maximum effect.

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:30:27 UTC from web
    3. @zach121k Any preference on model?

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 14:30:36 UTC from web