

  1. goodday everypony... who wants huggles, I feel huggle friendly today :D thats sorta like trigger happy although you deal out huggles instead of styrofoam darts :D

    Friday, 01-Jul-11 13:37:07 UTC from web
    1. @critialcloudkicker *pouncehuggle* I'm liking this idea!

      Friday, 01-Jul-11 13:39:13 UTC from web
      1. @zach121k !hughug @thelastgherkin *Glomphuggle* wow, I almost didnt recognize you with your new avvy

        Friday, 01-Jul-11 13:40:47 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker Yeah, I'm probably only keeping this for today and changing it back soon... How are you my friend?

          Friday, 01-Jul-11 13:43:39 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin woke up, put on towing gear, got my camping-cloud out of the alps... ( it smells nice :D ) ... gotta make it ready for when I go out on a camping trip in a month... and after that ? talking to ponies over skype and fetching food for my neighbour's cats... now I am pretty sure I did everything I was supposed to do today so now I am kicking back and relaxing :D

            Friday, 01-Jul-11 13:47:32 UTC from web
            1. @critialcloudkicker Sounds good to me!

              Friday, 01-Jul-11 14:01:53 UTC from web