

  1. I could really use some !hugs right now...

    Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:48:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @omni *hugs*

      Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:49:29 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark *hugs tightly*... v.v

        Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:50:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @omni You need to talk, or do you just want hugs?

          Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:50:52 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark I... guess I just talked stupid on the public timeline again. Whatever, I guess... v.v

            Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:57:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @omni Be honest with yourself. If theres any website in existance to talk stupid on, this will probably have the most supportive group of normal people out there.

              Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:58:57 UTC from web
              1. @mashuga31 I'm pretty sure most of RDN is sick of my drama, though, which is quite understandable because there's practically always something wrong with me...

                Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:00:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @omni This is the first ive seen of your drama, being relatively new here. And having just graduated high school earlier this year I remember my share of bugging other people with life. Theres definitely going to be more in the years to come. But if you want to keep it off of the stream, you can always message me.

                  Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:03:55 UTC from web
                2. @omni Let me say something here, if you don't mind, I don't see why people here would be sick of your drama, coming from a guy who's had a lot of bananas thrown at him in his life, I say you've got balls to go and seek help from friends, I never looked for help and let it bottle inside untill I couldn't take it any more, so please, don't feel like people are sick of your 'drama', we're here to help you, thats what friends are for

                  Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:06:06 UTC from web
                  1. @camero719 @omni I feel camero is right on the money with this one. Seeking help from good friends (keyword: good) is what really helps people through this kinda stuff. And it takes guts to ask. Although it may feel like somethings should be dealt with solo, it can never hurt to ask advice from the right people. I don't even think i need to reference the show on this one.

                    Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:16:57 UTC from web
            2. @omni It's fine. It's not stupid at all. It's healthy to say things from time to time. Especially when everyone is apparently being huge assholes to you for seemingly no reason.

              Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:59:14 UTC from web
    2. @omni # What's up? :<

      Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:49:47 UTC from web
      1. @neurario *hugs* Everyone is yelling at me, not listening to me, ignoring me or purposely saying stuff they know I can't take well today, the last few days everything has been going wrong as well and I'm sick of being threaten like garbage and still expected to be there for people, only talking to me when they need a favor and then yelling at me for no real reason and abusing my mental instability and if I wouldn't be feeling so terrible and suicidal right now I would've been so angry at them... I hate people so much and I haven't felt like giving up on life this much in a month or so and I hope a plane crashes into my bedroom so I'm dome with all of this... *sobs* T.T

        Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:55:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @omni I want to give you a high five. :\ But theres a computer screen in the way.

          Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:57:33 UTC from web
        2. @omni Aww hon :c That's horrible, I hate how people seem to abuse friendships/relationships like that, or think that getting upset/depressed is something that only happens briefly. At least you have us to talk to, I know it's not quite the same as having people IRL but, I hope it's something. We're here for you. :)

          Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:00:01 UTC from web
          1. @neurario I wish my partner wouldn't live so far away and my only IRL "friend" practically breaks my spine with his "signature hugs"... I could really use real-life hugs... Not that I don't appreciate you (and the others) being there for me, though...

            Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:06:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @omni I understand. Hopefully you find some way to cope.

              Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:07:50 UTC from web
              1. @neurario Hopefully. I hope Zankoku goes to sleep. The guy I was ranting about explained that he cared but that I'm too "high-maintenance" to constantly deal with... I understand him, but Zankoku is just angry at him... I feel so confused... And, well, thanks I think... I'm really not sure how I feel, sorry...

                Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:43:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @omni Should have just asked me, everypony knows I love to give hugs! #

      Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:50:18 UTC from web
    4. @hoit21 @camero719 *hugs back* v.v

      Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:57:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @omni Need to talk or just hugs?

        Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:57:52 UTC from web
    5. @omni *hugs* you are loved by us omni

      Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:06:40 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @renovatedkitchen Thank you...

        Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:40:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @omni anytime

          Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 23:42:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid