Omni (omni)'s status on Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:55:41 UTC

  1. @neurario *hugs* Everyone is yelling at me, not listening to me, ignoring me or purposely saying stuff they know I can't take well today, the last few days everything has been going wrong as well and I'm sick of being threaten like garbage and still expected to be there for people, only talking to me when they need a favor and then yelling at me for no real reason and abusing my mental instability and if I wouldn't be feeling so terrible and suicidal right now I would've been so angry at them... I hate people so much and I haven't felt like giving up on life this much in a month or so and I hope a plane crashes into my bedroom so I'm dome with all of this... *sobs* T.T

    Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 22:55:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context