

  1. apples. I forgot to bring a USB with me, so I can't install Ubuntu or Mint (I haven't decided yet) until I get home.

    Sunday, 16-Dec-12 18:15:25 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @fortecadenza I would personally recommend Mint. Canonical is making some worrying changes to Ubuntu:

      Sunday, 16-Dec-12 18:16:54 UTC from web
      1. @omni "This OS has an optional feature to search the internet HOW TERRIBLE." "Allowing people to set default preferences instead of asking every time is SO TERRIBLE." This entire article is hilarious

        Sunday, 16-Dec-12 18:20:38 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada With all due respect, you have no clue what is being done with this data, nor how valuable personal data is. This is a risk we are grossly underestimating in our society as a whole. I do agree that the tone in the article is somewhat overly paranoid, but this change is definitely not a change in the right direction.

          Sunday, 16-Dec-12 18:23:37 UTC from web
          1. @omni Data security's a concern to some people, yeah, but that paranoid attitude makes it hard to take its other (valid) points seriously.

            Sunday, 16-Dec-12 18:25:31 UTC from web