Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:15:08 UTC from web-
@thunderboltpony hi!
@renovatedkitchen sup :p
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:16:34 UTC from web-
@thunderboltpony not much. You?
@renovatedkitchen same.
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:20:16 UTC from web-
@thunderboltpony in school? You joined just 10 days after me
@renovatedkitchen joined ? And yes, Im in school. I can only get to this site from school now.
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:24:03 UTC from web-
@thunderboltpony yup, this site. Why can you only from school?
@renovatedkitchen it says Im banned when I try to get on @ home. Dont know why though
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:25:28 UTC from web-
@thunderboltpony tell the mods maybe so they can figure what's up
@thunderboltpony @#staff Anyone know what might be causing this user's issue?
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:29:33 UTC from web-
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:35:23 UTC from web
@thunderboltpony hey
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:16:20 UTC from web-
@tohelo jello :D
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:16:41 UTC from web-
@thunderboltpony how have you been ?
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:18:19 UTC from web-
@tohelo Good.
Monday, 17-Dec-12 19:18:38 UTC from web
@widget Could it be IP related since he can't get on from home but can from another location?
Tuesday, 18-Dec-12 03:49:48 UTC from web