

  1. i wanna die

    Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:12:28 UTC from web
    1. @dashierawrz Sorry mate, you're already dead. Rapture and apocalypse and stuff, remember?

      Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:13:10 UTC from web
      1. @neurario my parents r soo annoying

        Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:14:13 UTC from web
    2. @dashierawrz trust me, you can get through whatever this is.

      Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:14:33 UTC from web
      1. @techdisk life is so hard

        Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:15:14 UTC from web
        1. @dashierawrz yes, it is. But you've lived this long through it.

          Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:16:35 UTC from web
          1. @techdisk its too hard i cant do it anymore

            Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:17:45 UTC from web
            1. @dashierawrz i know a little how you feel, and i wanted to die too. unfortunately i must hit the hay. so i leave you in the amazing hands of Bronys and Pegasisters alike! rhey actually helped turn my mood arround!

              Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:20:56 UTC from Mayonnaise
              1. @unhipdruid i know watching MLP works but people call me freaks..immature sometimes its hard..its so hard im handing a very very hard cuz im only 11 and i have this kind of life

                Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:23:59 UTC from web
                1. @dashierawrz Only 11... *facepalm* Buck up kid. You're going to go through much, much worsw than being teased by idiots.

                  Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:25:22 UTC from web
                  1. @zeldatra and my dad is angry cuz i lost my ipod i didn't want to loose it i tired finding it but i just cant find it actually crying ryt now

                    Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:27:55 UTC from web
                    1. @dashierawrz You're living on easy street, kid.

                      Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:28:59 UTC from web
                      1. @zeldatra what do u mean..

                        Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:29:26 UTC from web
                        1. @dashierawrz You're only 11. Try going through puberty, then get back to me.

                          Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:31:40 UTC from web
                          1. @zeldatra okay...

                            Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:32:27 UTC from web
                        2. @dashierawrz your fine, just whenever anything ba happens like this just hold your head up high an be proud of what you are a part of.

                          Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:33:27 UTC from Mayonnaise
                          1. @unhipdruid and everyone rubs it on my face thats im dumb..because i kept on watching to MLP..but im actually trying very very hard just to get on the top...but still not in the top

                            Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:37:39 UTC from web
                            1. @dashierawrz dont take note of them. its not their life to comment on!

                              Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:39:01 UTC from Mayonnaise
                            2. @dashierawrz Ignore them. 11 year old bullies have short attention spans.

                              Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:39:02 UTC from web
                              1. @zeldatra @unhipdruid one reason why i really love here in RDN cuz you guys cares..cuz my bestie is offline thank you guys

                                Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:40:29 UTC from web
                                1. @dashierawrz just be proud. your a part of everything too!

                                  Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:42:03 UTC from Mayonnaise
                              2. @zeldatra YEAR 12 ones at my school would sing the intro theme arround me. lasted three days... was funny!

                                Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:40:37 UTC from Mayonnaise
                2. @dashierawrz because rhey cant see how awesome you are for liking something that isnt in the view of "popular content for the age group" makes them really shallow...

                  Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:25:29 UTC from Mayonnaise
                3. @dashierawrz anyway thats it for me ponies, im out! i have to hit the hay. dahie im a 17 year old male, i live in australia, go to a school where you have to follow all the "be a man" rules an what not... they just found out i like my little pony!

                  Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:29:42 UTC from Mayonnaise
    3. @dashierawrz Don't =/

      Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:20:42 UTC from web