

  1. By the way the music to the game is on Bandcamp and half the proceeds go to charity. You guys should totally check it out, it's pretty much the best part of the game.

    Sunday, 23-Dec-12 00:55:14 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada "Until the stars all fall down, They empty from the sky, But I don't mind, If you're with me, then everything's alright "

      Sunday, 23-Dec-12 00:56:37 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark MY EYES ARE LEAKING. ;___;

        Sunday, 23-Dec-12 00:58:33 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada They can see all the other lighthouses out there, and they want to talk to them. But they can’t, because they’re all too far apart to hear what the others are saying. All they can do… is shine their lights from afar. … So that’s what they do. They shine their lights at the other lighthouses, and at me. # specific to "To the Moon"

          Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:01:05 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark Animorphs was Joey's favorite book series. # #

            Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:15:07 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada I knew the answer to the question they asked about that without looking it up. # #

              Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:16:46 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark I never read the books David was in. Plus I forgot most of what happened in them.

                Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:18:15 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada David was a desperate bid to try and introduce drama into a mostly stable plotline because Applegate didn't think she could get away with killing anyone so early on. You could tell from the start that he was written to be disposable

                  Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:19:44 UTC from web
                  1. @ceruleanspark I only ever read a few Animorphs anyway. It was a nice distraction as a kid, but I never got into the overarching story.

                    Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:21:21 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada i did though. (Applegate right?)

                      Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:22:13 UTC from web
                      1. @unhipdruid Yeah. K.A Applegate. I only recently found out how it all ended.

                        Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:25:59 UTC from web
                        1. @ceruleanspark if you spoil it i will destroy you! i need to grab all books and read it again, i had a few holes where i could never find a book... and i never got the end ones...

                          Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:27:15 UTC from web
                          1. @unhipdruid The release outside of America was very patchy. I'm not sure Europe ever actually got the ending.

                            Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:29:38 UTC from web
                        2. @ceruleanspark by accident i found a badly made TV show of it...

                          Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:29:40 UTC from web
                        3. @ceruleanspark a while ago, but i have been wanting to grab all of them since. il probably find them digitally...

                          Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:31:06 UTC from web
            2. @redenchilada Incidentally, were Rivers comments about lighthouses more about her own feelings of disconnection from others than than actual lighthouses or am I reading too much into it?

              Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:18:25 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark I'd guess she intended it to be just about lighthouses, considering her condition. The devs were probably invoking that analogy, though. So yeah, they were.

                Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:20:06 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada I can't help but wonder why, if they were willing to name Tony Atwood specifically, they didn't actually overtly name her condition. I mean, it wasn't important to the story itself, but some of the linguistic hoops they jumped through to avoid naming it seemed a little painful # #

                  Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:25:10 UTC from web
                  1. @ceruleanspark I think they were playing it safe about the involvement. It can be hinted at just fine but if they outright say "Asperger's" they're opening a whole can of worms, as people will associate every single character trait of hers with an attempt to portray the disease and become offended by it. Just naming Atwood doesn't leave as big a chance of that, since the average person won't connect the two. (I only recognized what the disorder was because of my horribly limited knowledge on what typical signs of it are according to various sources, actually.) # #

                    Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:30:45 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada So on a scale of 1/10 how mad were you at Eva before the big reveal? # # #

                      Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:33:59 UTC from web
                      1. @ceruleanspark Not very, honestly. Before I put all the pieces together I'd just assumed the paper bunnies, lighthouse, etc. was written in as weird character traits that Johnny obsessed over following her death. # #

                        Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:36:44 UTC from web
                  2. @ceruleanspark On that note, though, the fact they even dared to write the disorder in a believable way made me a lot more personally-involved with the story. It echos a lot of the same communication problems my family has with my older brother. # #

                    Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:33:30 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada Yeah as an alleged sufferer, I found it extremely refreshing to see it portrayed actually well and not just using the "misanthropic genius" stereotype that seems to have flourished. The part that really hit home for me was in the scene at the bar, where...the other female character whose name escapes me talked about having to act her whole life just to fit in. Damn. # #

                      Sunday, 23-Dec-12 01:36:26 UTC from web