

  1. @thelastgherkin GHERKIN HELP/

    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:20:08 UTC from web
    1. @anarchycarcino What happen

      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:23:05 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin All my asks. Are getting answered. On every blog. AND THEY ARE GETTING ANSWERED FAST.

        Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:24:01 UTC from web
        1. @anarchycarcino GOTTA GO FAST

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:24:49 UTC from web
          1. @madflavors SANIC SUCKS

            Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:25:35 UTC from web
            1. @hugmaster can i scratch your ears?

              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:28:28 UTC from web
          2. @madflavors ROLLING AROUND AT THE SPEED OF SOUND.

            Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:25:44 UTC from web
        2. @anarchycarcino Good jorearb!

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:25:21 UTC from web
      2. @thelastgherkin

        Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:25:16 UTC from web
        1. @anarchycarcino They like you. They actually like you.

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:27:45 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin WHICH ONES

            Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:28:09 UTC from web
            1. @anarchycarcino Not me, obvs.

              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:28:34 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin T.T

                Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:29:04 UTC from web
                1. @anarchycarcino I don't answer your tumblr questions because I like you, baka Carcino!!

                  Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:30:59 UTC from web
                  1. @thelastgherkin, you answer my anon ones though! Sucker!

                    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:32:22 UTC from web
                  2. @thelastgherkin oh gherkin-senpai how could you?

                    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:33:09 UTC from web
                  3. @thelastgherkin

                    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:33:44 UTC from web
          2. @thelastgherkin Oh. Yes. Sure.

            Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:28:53 UTC from web