@cupcakinator That doesn't seem appropriate for this site....
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:46:00 UTC from web-
@scribus it's a family friendly comedy and not a porno
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:46:43 UTC from web -
@scribus He keeps insisting that it's not a porno, but I can't see how it's not.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:46:46 UTC from web -
@scribus although it does have some nudity
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:46:57 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator Then that'll at least require an NSFW tag.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:48:03 UTC from web -
@cupcakinator And I'm still inclined to think it shouldn't be allowed....
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:48:47 UTC from web-
@scribus you can do that now?
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:49:47 UTC from web -
@scribus the first time I braught it up i told everyone it wasn't safe for work, i was just reminding everyone when it was happening
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:50:21 UTC from web -
@scribus the first time I braught it up i told everyone it wasn't safe for work, i was just reminding everyone when it was happening
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:50:21 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator I still have no idea what's going on here.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:51:21 UTC from web -
@cupcakinator The rules are prefaced with "This IS a child friendly site, as it's clear many have forgotten this has been updated to reflect that" and continue to say that "erotic content is strictly forbidden."
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:51:44 UTC from web-
@scribus oh, but the movie description does say it's family friendly, but it's kind of old
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:52:34 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator Rating?
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:53:07 UTC from web-
@zeldatra how do you nsfw?
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:53:51 UTC from web -
@zeldatra how do you nsfw?
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:53:51 UTC from web-
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:54:58 UTC from web
@zeldatra it sais 15 on the box
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:54:56 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator Not child friendly.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:55:59 UTC from web-
@zeldatra sorry
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:56:36 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator I would even go as far as to send a strongly worded letter to your grandmother.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:57:24 UTC from web-
@zeldatra oh my
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:58:03 UTC from web -
@zeldatra And this is why none of you are allowed to know where I live.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:58:33 UTC from web
@cupcakinator We used to have a PG-13 rule, before we lowered it to PG. Even at the old rules, 15 exceeds our limit.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:56:02 UTC from web-
@scribus yeah, i wasn't aware, my bad
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:56:25 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator No worries, it's why I was talking it out with you instead of just banhammering you.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:56:59 UTC from web-
@scribus duely noted
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:57:56 UTC from web
@scribus oh, but the movie description does say it's family friendly, but it's kind of old
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:52:34 UTC from web