

  1. This is the last time it will be today. I hope you make the most of it.

    Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:05:16 UTC from web
    1. @toksyuryel It will always be today. Tomorrow will never be here.

      Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:06:45 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada I mean this day. January 19th, 2013 by the Gregorian Calendar, is the last time it will be January 19th, 2013 by the Gregorian Calendar.

        Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:09:06 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel But January 19th, 2013 is not the sole holder of the right to the term "today".

          Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:12:03 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada I used the word today as a convenient shorthand.

            Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:13:15 UTC from web
            1. @toksyuryel But then it befuddles the meaning of your sentence. Today is merely an abstract, passed down from day to day in 24-hour intervals. It has no concrete meaning, like stating the day would have. You have altered the meaning of your sentence by using an abstract to substitute for a concretely-defined word.

              Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:15:32 UTC from web
              1. @redenchilada Look how 'bout we just play some !SK alright?

                Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:18:55 UTC from web
                1. @toksyuryel How do you go from the definition of "today" to "let's play a game"

                  Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:20:21 UTC from web
                  1. @redenchilada It means "let's do something besides have this discussion".

                    Saturday, 19-Jan-13 21:21:49 UTC from web