

  1. Just wondering, how on earth does the # work, I dont see Synchtube anywhere.

    Monday, 11-Feb-13 11:44:10 UTC from web
    1. @cavatina Click it.

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 11:44:27 UTC from web
    2. @cavatina I believe it uses a serverside technology called Meteor

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 11:51:22 UTC from Choqok
      1. @neurario that's awesome :3

        Monday, 11-Feb-13 11:56:44 UTC from web
    3. @vt3c What about it? <3

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 11:57:00 UTC from web
    4. @vt3c *GLOMP* because hugs are awesome!

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 11:59:00 UTC from web
    5. @vt3c I was just wondering what was so awesome about me, apparantly~ *hug*

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 11:59:38 UTC from web
    6. @vt3c Aww~ Thanks <3

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 12:01:01 UTC from web
    7. @widget did you end up changing the episode finish time for the s3 premier? Or did you use the HD versions of the episode that minti found on Youtube pre-split into 2 episodes?

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 19:35:09 UTC from web
    8. @widget Okidoke -o- I for one have noticed you more scarce.

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 19:47:22 UTC from web