

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @nikofthebrony Try opening the image in something and resaving it? Maybe scale it down a bit if it's really huge? Sometimes the site chokes on uploading certain files, particularly large ones.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 04:44:33 UTC from web
    2. @nikofthebrony Files? A picture consists of only one file. This may be the problem.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 04:47:32 UTC from web
    3. @jjpicklegherkinzombie @nikofthebrony Try resizing or saving as a different format. Sometimes RDN doesn't like specific files.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 05:09:38 UTC from web
    4. @jjpicklegherkinzombie Oh indeed drama makes the world go round.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 05:12:08 UTC from web
    5. Guys. GUYS. My underwear is on backwards. Just thought you should know.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 05:20:50 UTC from web
    6. @wafers That doesn't even make any sense.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 05:22:14 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada well, at least you rigged a trapdoor system.

        Sunday, 17-Feb-13 05:23:47 UTC from web
        1. @wafers ...Um

          Sunday, 17-Feb-13 05:25:32 UTC from web