

  1. Why does Commo's name have to be so painfully long to read...

    Sunday, 24-Feb-13 09:08:35 UTC from web
    1. @zora4444 To make you ask questions.

      Sunday, 24-Feb-13 09:09:24 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Touche'

        Sunday, 24-Feb-13 09:09:43 UTC from web
    2. @zora4444 it's a test of your patience. You might have failed.

      Sunday, 24-Feb-13 09:12:33 UTC from web
      1. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Well I read the whole thing... but still asked... so I guess I do fail huh? >,>

        Sunday, 24-Feb-13 09:13:45 UTC from web