

  1. due to lack of cereal I'll be turning to what is commonly known as the Mormon vice

    Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 16:13:07 UTC from web
    1. @pony Ice cream is always the answer.

      Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 16:13:50 UTC from web
    2. @pony 1.89 liters? Give me a day and you'll have an empty bucket.

      Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 16:43:48 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos xD I love chocolate with nuts and caramel, but rocky road is even better.

        Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 16:45:35 UTC from web
        1. @pony I'd have to go with lmon, cherry cream or white chocolate.

          Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 16:46:52 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Or chocolate with rhum raisins. *drools*

            Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 16:50:45 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos excellent choices

            Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 16:59:08 UTC from web
            1. @pony I tried to check prices online to see if it's worth it to walk 200 meters to a store and buy a pot of tramontana ice cream, but they don't have the list of prices so scrw that.

              Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:05:20 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos they need to get with it

                Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:06:43 UTC from web
                1. @pony I'm too lazy to walk down the street and check because what if it's too expensive?

                  Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:07:54 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos then you can enjoy the walk back.

                    Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:08:37 UTC from web
                  2. @nerthos you're ironically saving yourself from getting fatter by choosing not to walk.

                    Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:09:48 UTC from web
                    1. @pony fatter/fat whichever.

                      Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:10:15 UTC from web
                    2. @pony Meh, my metabolism and the energy required for university keeps my weight in check. I get tired of ice cream before consuming enough to cause any damage.

                      Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:11:07 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos i manage my weight by not eating much and fasting the next day if i do.

                        Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:12:20 UTC from web
                        1. @wafers I stay at around 77kg.

                          Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:15:24 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos 63kg

                            Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:18:05 UTC from web
                            1. @wafers How tall are you?

                              Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:20:06 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos like 5'6 ft which amounts to 1.67m i believe.

                                Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:22:59 UTC from web
                                1. @wafers Oh, that makes sense. I'm 1.84

                                  Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:24:21 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos i hate being short...

                                    Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:25:14 UTC from web
                                    1. Thanks lol. Its out of lazyness lol but i do like to be different@wafers

                                      Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:26:46 UTC from web
                                    2. @wafers Short guys are responsible for many construction tools being hard to operate.

                                      Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:29:32 UTC from web
                                      1. @nerthos plus i get a lower center of gravity.

                                        Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:30:40 UTC from web
                      2. @nerthos eat plenty of food.

                        Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:12:37 UTC from web