

  1. So does anyone here, by chance, have any clue how long of a jail sentence one could get by going on a rampage through a high school with a taser? A friend and I were talking about it a few days ago and we didn't come up with any answers.

    Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:37:27 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada Since they're a juvenile probably a three month explosion from school.

      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:38:54 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Minimum sentence in most of the US for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon(yes tasers count) in most of the US is five years without parole. Trust me, anyone who uses this site would get DESTROYED in prison.

      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:40:05 UTC from web
      1. @essenceofflow, I resent that.

        Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:40:23 UTC from web
        1. @mastertdi I bet you would resent being shived too, but that wouldn't stop it from happening.

          Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:41:03 UTC from web
          1. @essenceofflow, it might. I just have to pretend to be insane. Nobody would mess with an insane guy.

            Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:42:01 UTC from web
            1. @mastertdi Except the actually insane people. The ones who will shiv you.

              Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:42:39 UTC from web
              1. @essenceofflow, they're not insane, just misunderstood.

                Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:43:55 UTC from web
                1. @mastertdi Hell no that game is terrible

                  Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:44:16 UTC from web
                  1. @pokestrike @redenchilada @mastertdi IM TEH BOOGEST SANIC FAN OOT DERE I HAF ALL TEH GAMES ON DVD!!!!11!!!11!

                    Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:45:35 UTC from web
                  2. @pokestrike, what's not to like about tornadoes carrying cars?

                    Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:45:42 UTC from web
                    1. @mastertdi The glitches they fly right trough you

                      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:46:34 UTC from web
                      1. @pokestrike, that's half the fun! Them boxes fly errywhere.

                        Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:47:01 UTC from web
                        1. @mastertdi Silver's game play is cool but it's a small thing I like about the game my favorite part is when silver get kicked in the back of the head

                          Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:48:53 UTC from web
                          1. @pokestrike, ah yes, I remember that. The ending to Shadow is pretty epic, I thought. The last 10 or so seconds, at least.

                            Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:50:57 UTC from web
          2. @essenceofflow You no longer amuse me.

            Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:43:25 UTC from web
            1. @colfax I hope that makes you feel special, you big tough guy you! Grrrr!

              Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:44:24 UTC from web
      2. @essenceofflow You really have no idea who you're talking to on this site, do you?

        Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:40:44 UTC from web
        1. @colfax You're fronting so hard I can't see the back.

          Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:41:50 UTC from web
      3. @essenceofflow I'd drop the soap on purpose.

        Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:40:53 UTC from web
      4. @essenceofflow Cool. It's been eating at my mind since Wednesday.

        Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:41:31 UTC from web
      5. @essenceofflow You'd be surprised.

        Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:45:53 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Haha, no I wouldn't.

          Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:46:35 UTC from web
          1. @essenceofflow If you stick around long enough...

            Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:48:13 UTC from web
          2. @essenceofflow Sex.

            Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:52:52 UTC from web
    3. @widget I was creating interesting conversation with one of my school friends. Now I have decided to create interesting conversation with the users here.

      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 03:44:56 UTC from web