

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @lelouch how can you waste time on RDN?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 04:55:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @lelouch >implying that RDN wastes time

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 04:56:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @lelouch >Implying that I implied something

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 04:58:04 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @lelouch >implying that there is something irrelevant

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:02:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    5. @lelouch >implying that I implied something

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:03:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    6. @lelouch >implying that I will imply anything soon

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:06:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    7. @lelouch >implying that I know what "it" is

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:07:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    8. @lelouch >implying I know what you like

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:08:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    9. @lelouch >implying that I know about ramen

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:10:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    10. @lelouch >implying that Id kiss you. *kisses*

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:13:45 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    11. @lelouch >implying... Dammit.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:15:24 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    12. @lelouch So, anyway, how are you?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:15:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    13. @lelouch >implying you don't win

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:16:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    14. @lelouch I am also good. How was your day?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:16:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    15. @lelouch >implying... I give up.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:17:19 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    16. @lelouch Aww... Why?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:18:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    17. @lelouch Hmm... *Drops spoon, grabs another jello cup and puts in his mouth* There. Unexpected enough? *gurgles jello in mouth*

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:21:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    18. @lelouch Is it because of... *gurgles jello* you missing me that you felt depressed?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:24:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    19. @lelouch Which is it!?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:26:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    20. @lelouch Really? D'Aww!

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:27:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    21. @lelouch I missed you too~

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:28:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    22. @lelouch Hmm... Tell me what you know about amino acids so far.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:30:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    23. @lelouch Okay then! Tell me more about yourself.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:32:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    24. @lelouch Just... Tell me about your life outside RDN.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:34:58 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    25. @lelouch Yes. 120% sure.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:37:30 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    26. @lelouch Damn. That sounds bad. And I thought my ghetto was bad

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:43:11 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    27. @lelouch Let's see... My parents met, lived together, married for about ten years, had me. When I was five, they had my sister. One year later, they divorced. Then, a few years later, I hit... A bad time, and fell into a near suicidal period of depression that lasted 2 years. Then, of course, the ghetto around me. Murder two houses down when I was seven, domestic violence, gunfire, etc. And... That's pretty much everything.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:48:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @nvrrmbr I neglected to mention the cut. My leg got cut open to the bone in my left leg because of a very nasty accident. That is all.

        Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:51:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @nvrrmbr I had one of those, once. Totally unfun, hope yours heals well.

          Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:52:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @scribus Its fine, now. Just needed a bit of... Magic.

            Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:54:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @nvrrmbr Well, that's good, then.

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:56:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    28. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 Haha. No. Have you, by chance, had to hide in your own house because of a crazy gunman living in the house behind yours?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:49:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    29. @lelouch Thanks. !huggles

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:50:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    30. @lelouch We're describing my father? -random appearance of an exhausted Moon with no verbal filter-

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:50:47 UTC from web
    31. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 That all? How about murder? Have you Seen murder? Like it happening right before your eyes? When you were eight?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:52:47 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    32. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying anything's ever NOT related to Gunman

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:53:41 UTC from web
    33. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 Yeah. The gunman happened earlier this year. The cut happened summer 2009.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:53:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    34. @lelouch !hug !hugs !hughug !huggles

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:55:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    35. @lelouch !hug !hugs !hughug !huggles x Infinty

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:56:59 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    36. @lelouch Fine. You win.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:58:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    37. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 > implying that you haven't been bombarded with so many things that may have been originated from 4chan that it all just blends together anyway.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:59:02 UTC from web
      1. @zarkanorf >Cesi n'est pas une green text.

        Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:01:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @scribus > RDN > 20% more green text

          Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:06:57 UTC from web
    38. @lelouch If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:59:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    39. @lelouch "puns intended" >implying there is more than one pun

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:59:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    40. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying that you're not?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:00:22 UTC from web
    41. @lelouch Well, I do love my Filly.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:00:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    42. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying that there is a god

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:02:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    43. @lelouch Wait... How do we cheer each other up?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:03:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    44. @lelouch Well, I was mostly wondering how close you were to legal independence. I suppose if you're hanging in then you're hanging in, but I really think (guilt trips be damned) you should look out for yourself in this.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:03:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    45. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 > implying that your implications of my implications are implicable

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:04:07 UTC from web
    46. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying you're man enough to nuke the world

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:04:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    47. @lelouch Oh. Yeah. Thanks for reminding me.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:05:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    48. @lelouch You didn't plan on me, ordidyou?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:06:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    49. @lelouch But not love~

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:07:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    50. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying that its impossible to make a homemade nuke

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:09:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    51. @lelouch I'll respond for you! Lelouch: I did plan on tests, and this is a test. Test test test. I am Wheatley. I must test. Test test test.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:11:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @nvrrmbr Ok I'm sorry but you two are cute as hell. xD

        Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:13:03 UTC from web
        1. @mischief Which two? It depends on who, for me to respond.

          Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:14:49 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @nvrrmbr you and lelouch

            Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:37:48 UTC from web
    52. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying it's store-bought.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:12:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    53. @lelouch Oh, yes, I forgot about your ramen obsession.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:13:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    54. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying that there's a white market

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:15:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    55. @lelouch Likable Funny Izurin Philoso not-thinking

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:17:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    56. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying I implied

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:18:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    57. @lelouch I appreciate your strength in this. Still, things may surface later. Keep an eye inward, and never be afraid to get help if you need it.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:18:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    58. @lelouch !huggles right back at'ya.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:19:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    59. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying implications

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:19:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    60. @thegreatandpowerfultrixie2696 >implying I'm tired

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:21:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    61. @lelouch Right, sorry. So! What's your stance on the $1/each ramens that are Italian flavored?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 06:22:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid