

  1. My favorite pony? Ah, there's sooo many to choose from but I guess i'm going to have to say...Rainbow Dash ^-^ She just always brings a smile to face!

    Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:17:14 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowcrash713 Welcome newpony! RD was the pony who brought me to watch the show. She rocks so hard.

      Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:18:24 UTC from web
      1. @pony Thank You ^-^

        Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:38:57 UTC from web
        1. @rainbowcrash713 certainly! Do you have a favorite episode?

          Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:39:34 UTC from web
          1. @pony Well, I'm almost done with season 2, and still have more to catch up on, but i'd have to say, when Rainbow Dash has a race to see who the best pet is!

            Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:41:47 UTC from web
            1. @rainbowcrash713 that episode is awesome! Great song.

              Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:42:21 UTC from web
              1. @pony Rainbow Dash should really sing more, she has such a cute voice.

                Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:43:50 UTC from web
                1. @rainbowcrash713 yeah I heard Ashleigh Ball has a hard time singing with her voice because it's kind of rough and tomboyish. She does a terrific job though. I like her part in the Gala song too. "I've been dreamin' I've been waitin' to fly with those great ponies"

                  Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:47:27 UTC from web
                  1. @pony Yeah, I can see why, but I think Rainbow Dashes singing should be for a special occasion since it's so awesome! And she really melted my heart when she had her solo on that episode.

                    Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:50:37 UTC from web
                    1. @rainbowcrash713 Have you heard any of Ashleigh Ball's band's stuff? They're called Aviators. They've got some cool pony themed music there

                      Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:57:02 UTC from web
                      1. @pony Uhh, what? Aviators is a brony musician. Ashleigh's band is Hey Ocean!.

                        Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:58:26 UTC from web
                        1. @redenchilada @rainbowcrash713 oooh! that makes loads more sense. Ignore what I said. hey Ocean is Ashleigh's band. Don't know why I thought Aviators was hers.

                          Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 07:00:59 UTC from web
                      2. @pony Wow, currently listening to Until The Sun remix, and it's very soothing and relaxing. I like it.

                        Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 07:01:17 UTC from web
                        1. @rainbowcrash713 If you like pony music then you might like the playlists I've thrown together. Be warned there are spoilers though.

                          Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 07:03:03 UTC from web
                        2. @rainbowcrash713 Or, if you don't want to wade through the craziness then you can try my favorites playlist

                          Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 07:08:50 UTC from web
                          1. @pony Fluttershy's Lullaby has successfully melted my heart. Thank You for this playlist. Well I have a big day tomorrow, so i'm gonna head off to bed. Thanks again for the warm welcome, I can tell my experience with the community is only going to get better!

                            Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 07:14:47 UTC from web
                            1. @rainbowcrash713 Glad you enjoyed it! Good night!

                              Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 07:16:16 UTC from web
    2. @rainbowcrash713 Vellkommen!

      Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:19:02 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Thanks :D

        Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 06:40:12 UTC from web