

  1. Hello.

    Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:35:18 UTC from web
    1. @celestialmoonlight Hi!

      Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:35:28 UTC from web
      1. @neurario Hey! How are you?

        Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:36:09 UTC from web
    2. @celestialmoonlight Hey there how are you ?

      Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:35:42 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I'm okay. I've got the stomach flu.

        Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:36:20 UTC from web
        1. @celestialmoonlight Auch... Seems to be a trend of this week

          Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:36:51 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker The worst thing was I literally got it a day after I read that fanfic 'Dipper goes to Taco Bell'.

            Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:38:12 UTC from web
            1. @celestialmoonlight Who is Dipper ?

              Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:38:41 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker Dipper is some character from a show called 'Gravity Falls'. Don't read the fanfic.

                Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:39:16 UTC from web
                1. @celestialmoonlight Ah right, Gravity Falls. A serie I have to see after I have some HDD space

                  Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:39:58 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker It's a good show.

                    Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:41:42 UTC from web
                    1. @celestialmoonlight I know

                      Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:41:50 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker Yes. So what's up with you?

                        Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:42:48 UTC from web
                        1. @celestialmoonlight I am drinking water and watching Yu-Gi-Oh since I wonder what happens at the end

                          Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:43:18 UTC from web
                          1. @critialcloudkicker Awesome. I love Yu-Gi-Oh.

                            Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:43:43 UTC from web
                            1. @celestialmoonlight I think it is a broken game, and the anime too is broken

                              Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:44:01 UTC from web
                              1. @critialcloudkicker The game is broken because everyone is god tier.

                                Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:44:38 UTC from web
                                1. @celestialmoonlight Hmm... I do not know, There are a LOT of people who still play MTG and that game is way more fun and way less broken I've heard.

                                  Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:46:50 UTC from web
                                  1. @critialcloudkicker MTG?

                                    Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:47:19 UTC from web
                                    1. @celestialmoonlight Magic the Gathering

                                      Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:47:33 UTC from web
                                      1. @critialcloudkicker Oh. Well, I don't play that so I don't know.

                                        Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:47:57 UTC from web
                                        1. @celestialmoonlight There is this twirp at the local club I hang out from time to time with my friends. Me and my friends play MTG every so often. He once came up to us and started saying how MTG is a rip off from yu-gi-oh... Waitwhat ? I think we laughed and let it slide

                                          Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:49:48 UTC from web
                                          1. @critialcloudkicker The only reason Yu-Gi-Oh is good is that it has pretty guys with ridiculous hair. I don't like the card game to be honest.

                                            Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:51:29 UTC from web
                                            1. @celestialmoonlight My reasons might be a little bit more odd... I want to see YGOTAS and actually know the original stuff, seen as YGOTAS has actually surpassed everything that used to be on Dutch TV

                                              Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:53:03 UTC from web
                                              1. @critialcloudkicker I have a kajillion DVDs and manga from my YGO addiction. The manga was worth every penny. The DVDs... not so much.

                                                Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:55:06 UTC from web
                                                1. @celestialmoonlight Yes, I plan to read the manga once for the manga is really kickass

                                                  Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:55:47 UTC from web
                                                  1. @critialcloudkicker The characters are wonderful. It also has the theme of friendship without it being ridiculous.

                                                    Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:56:42 UTC from web
                                                    1. @celestialmoonlight Who needs friendship with cards if you can have friendship with ponies... that was the original thought on my mind. But yea you are right. I really should read the manga's once once I have the time

                                                      Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:58:31 UTC from web
                                                      1. @critialcloudkicker You have to. It has some really funny scenes in it, too, as well as the awesome hardcore stuff.

                                                        Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:59:36 UTC from web
                                    2. @celestialmoonlight Magic the Greatlyoverpricedpiecesofcardboard

                                      Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:48:02 UTC from web

              Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:40:35 UTC from web
              1. @zeldatra I AM EMOTIONALLY SCARRED

                Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:41:29 UTC from web
                1. @celestialmoonlight @greenscarecrow read it to me.

                  Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:42:48 UTC from web
                  1. @zeldatra No.

                    Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:43:17 UTC from web
                    1. @celestialmoonlight No, read as in past tensr.

                      Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:45:39 UTC from web
                      1. @zeldatra Oh, I see. I feel sorry for you.

                        Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:46:04 UTC from web
                        1. @celestialmoonlight I deserved it.

                          Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:46:26 UTC from web
                          1. @zeldatra Nobody deserves that.

                            Thursday, 14-Mar-13 01:47:31 UTC from web