

  1. Good morning, rdn! Feels great to be posting again after a week of inactivity ^^ Whats new with everypony?

    Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:17:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @nutterguy Not much, the usual.

      Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:18:22 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon well I guess no news is good news.

        Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:20:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @nutterguy Pretty much

          Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:21:08 UTC from web
    2. @nutterguy hiya!

      Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:20:40 UTC from web
    3. @nutterguy NUTTERGUYYYYYYYYY hello.

      Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:20:50 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgiraffekin hey there, how ya been?

        Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:23:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @nutterguy Not bad. How are you? I hear you've been on holiday or something.

          Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:26:28 UTC from web