

  1. The issue I have with games telling a story at this point is that it's not the game that's telling the story most of the time. The game is more often than not a time suck to take the players from one storytelling cutwcene to the next. That's not a game telling a story; that's a game sitting idle while a story is being told.

    Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:01:14 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @redenchilada That's why you play Valve games

      Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:02:17 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Valve's stuff is definitely close to what I'm thinking of (heck, what I've played of Half-Life 2 is almost exactly what I mean) but it's still missing that "your actions affect the plot" bit. That's what games really need to separate themselves from movies as storytelling devices imo.

        Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:05:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @redenchilada I think that's where the roadblock is currently. It would be a lot of work to make a game that melds plot and gameplay like HL2, while providing all the story choices of a game like Oblivion or Mass Effect or something.

          Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:07:23 UTC from web
          1. @rarity Oblivion lets you basically do everything at the same time though. Barely any quest blocks you from others or changes the way other quests happen if you do them in the right order.

            Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:09:04 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos I know it wasn't the best example, but I don't really play a lot of story driven games.

              Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:09:50 UTC from web
              1. @rarity Play Dishonored. Completely worth it.

                Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:10:23 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos It's on my radar.

                  Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:11:05 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity It is really good, especially if you like the feel of Splinter Cell (not the recent ones) or other stealth games.

                    Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:12:09 UTC from web
                    1. @flamingpandaomg It's funny that complete stealth or complete violence are really easy but a mid term is hard.

                      Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:13:13 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos try doing complete stealth, no discoveries, no kills, while only having your basic blink. I'm still working on that achievement. :|

                        Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:14:16 UTC from web
                        1. @flamingpandaomg I'm not one to restrict myself. I'll gladly do complete stealth, but I won't restrict powers because that would make the game less fun.

                          Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:16:23 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos It's actually really fun restricting yourself sometimes. Doing it this way for the achievement makes me really need to plan out what I'm going to do

                            Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:17:04 UTC from web
                            1. @flamingpandaomg I was never an archievement whore. Some times I just think "Hey what if I try to do X" but more often than not it's to see if I can beat the limitations of the game or glitch.

                              Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:18:20 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos Who said about being an achievement whore? O.O I just like getting the ones that aren't incredibly ridiculous.

                                Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:18:55 UTC from web
                                1. @flamingpandaomg In any case I liked killing some of the characers/enemies

                                  Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:19:27 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos I need to finish that game again. >> le sigh.

                                    Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:20:23 UTC from web
                    2. @flamingpandaomg I've only played Conviction so that comparision doesn't really work :P

                      Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:14:12 UTC from web
                  2. @rarity IMO the game is a 10/10 on what it's supposed to be. It's great in both story, gameplay, and flow.

                    Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:12:24 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I do wish it was longer though. :|

                      Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:13:02 UTC from web
                      1. @flamingpandaomg Yes. I do too. But all good stories feel short. I need to get the expansion.

                        Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:13:34 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos The best stories are those that leave you wanting more. I want more of the last story

                          Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:14:25 UTC from web
                        2. @nerthos It's pretty good, but it's not a full game, sadly. It's just a bit of extra time to play it

                          Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:14:39 UTC from web
                          1. @flamingpandaomg Yeah, but the game is really fun to play, so I'll get it anyway.

                            Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:15:17 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada I personally like games with a linear story, i don't like game that make you choose stuff so much. I don't know why but I like being told a story not making one that's just me though.

          Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:07:27 UTC from web
        3. @redenchilada Half-Life 2 is incredibly overrated

          Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:07:30 UTC from web
          1. @wafers I love you know

            Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:07:52 UTC from web
          2. @wafers Portal > Left 4 Dead > HL2

            Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:08:18 UTC from web
          3. @wafers Now*

            Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:08:21 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada That is an extraordinary point. I wonder how much that's been responsible for me not vidyaing so much in recent years? Probably not as much as the whole "not having time and money to dump into it" bit has.

      Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:04:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid