

  1. Only have 4 xbox games: BF3 AC3 CoD BO2 and DS3. rest are crappy Kenect games.

    Wednesday, 22-May-13 01:51:44 UTC from web
    1. @azureblaze i have tales of vesperia, portal 2, oblivion and bioshock 2 (i pirated the first one)

      Wednesday, 22-May-13 01:53:11 UTC from web
      1. @mushi I'm a Pirate too! Let's sail together and pirate the internet as one!

        Wednesday, 22-May-13 01:54:45 UTC from web
    2. @azureblaze I have BO 2. play it mainly for the zombies. got to round 30 on Mob of the Dead

      Wednesday, 22-May-13 01:54:32 UTC from web