

  1. (⊙‿⊙✿)

    Friday, 24-May-13 15:27:04 UTC from web
    1. when i was young i wanted to be a a hero of time destined to save Hyrule... i know i say it alot but reality SUX!!!!1!

      Friday, 24-May-13 15:39:31 UTC from web
      1. @ryanjjjj When I was young I wanted to be an astronaut. Now I'm going to be a Marine.

        Friday, 24-May-13 15:41:33 UTC from web
        1. @azureblaze your goals in life sound much more (not impossible), have you already enlisted?

          Friday, 24-May-13 15:43:10 UTC from web
          1. @ryanjjjj not yet just plan to straight outta Highschool. I can already do all of the requirements

            Friday, 24-May-13 15:48:48 UTC from web
            1. @azureblaze neat. why marines in particular, any reason?

              Friday, 24-May-13 15:50:06 UTC from web
              1. @ryanjjjj It's more of a challenge to get into that branch than the others and I want that.

                Friday, 24-May-13 15:51:23 UTC from web
                1. @azureblaze cool mang, gl

                  Friday, 24-May-13 15:51:39 UTC from web
                2. @azureblaze Personally, if I were to join the armed forces, I'd go for another division, like the actual navy. After all, marines have a reputation of being brainwashed and not too bright amphibious attack dogs. What they do requires either zealotry or ignorance.

                  Friday, 24-May-13 15:55:21 UTC from web
      2. @ryanjjjj When I was young I wanted to be a lot of things. To work in a factory, to be a fireman, and ultimately to be president. Then as the years passed I realized that presidents are stupid so I changed my goal from president to undying god-emperor.

        Friday, 24-May-13 15:46:48 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos + God-Emporer = END OF THE REALM OF EXISTENCE! ... alright you got my vote :D

          Friday, 24-May-13 15:48:11 UTC from web
          1. @ryanjjjj The nice thing about the rank is that it doesn't require popular vote. No, as opposed to the usual and bound to fail system, you have to be truly worthy, full of merit, to reach that position. Just with support you can't even get near it.

            Friday, 24-May-13 15:52:34 UTC from web