

  1. @mastertdi hav u made any headway bbz?

    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:41:34 UTC from web
    1. @scoot I made a list of (current) characters but that's it

      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:42:18 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi Well it's more than nothing :)

        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:42:32 UTC from web
        1. @scoot Yup yup, and 14 characters strong is pretty neat

          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:43:17 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi Gonna take a long time to map out all of their stories, I dont think Dating Sims usually have that many? I dunno

            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:43:55 UTC from web
            1. @scoot Not that I'm saying to cut down, just saying it'll be a lot of work

              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:44:11 UTC from web
            2. @scoot @anarchy how many characters does Katawa Shoujo have? <only popular dating sim I really know>

              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:44:55 UTC from web
              1. @flamingpandaomg 5

                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:46:16 UTC from web
              2. @flamingpandaomg Counting side characters or only characters you can have a relationship with?

                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:20:58 UTC from web
                1. @anarchy Potential relationships.

                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:21:26 UTC from web
                  1. @flamingpandaomg Rin, Emi, Hanako, Lily, Shizune.

                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:22:14 UTC from web
                    1. @scoot Really? Is that a common number for dating sims? I've only seen like the first 15 minutes of Katawa Shoujo and never tried a dating sim. :|

                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:22:59 UTC from web
                      1. @flamingpandaomg Each one takes like 40000 hours to get through, there is a LOT of dialogue

                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:23:27 UTC from web
                        1. @scoot Ohhhhhhhhhh, okay. That makes sense.

                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:23:48 UTC from web
                  2. @flamingpandaomg 5.

                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:28:54 UTC from web
                    1. @anarchy It only took you 2 hours to give the same answer I did

                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:29:42 UTC from web
                      1. @scoot I'm obviously more busy than you.

                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:31:08 UTC from web
                        1. @anarchy Or just less reliable

                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:31:44 UTC from web
                          1. @scoot Busy.

                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:31:56 UTC from web
                            1. @anarchy Doing what?

                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:32:44 UTC from web
                              1. @scoot Looking for jobs.

                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:35:03 UTC from web
                                1. @anarchy Alright I'll let you off this time

                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:35:29 UTC from web
                    2. @anarchy I guess if there's a huge amount of dialogue and events per character, that'd be fine.

                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:30:13 UTC from web
                      1. @flamingpandaomg I remember someone saying you can do every route in about an hour. They are a lying kiwi bag. Takes me forever to get anything done.

                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:31:43 UTC from web
                        1. @anarchy @scoot mentioned that there's a crapton you have to do to get anywhere, so that's fine. If it only took like 20 minutes, that'd be different.

                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:32:41 UTC from web
                          1. @flamingpandaomg I beat the whole game in about 2-3 days. 100%

                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:33:24 UTC from web
                            1. @scoot When you say 2-3 days, do you mean like 2-3 sessions of 6+ hours, or actually 48-72 hours?

                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:34:13 UTC from web
                              1. @flamingpandaomg Well I had College on a couple of those days so not STRAIGHT days but most of the day where I had time

                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:35:19 UTC from web
                                1. @scoot hmm.

                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:35:51 UTC from web
                                  1. @flamingpandaomg The biggest flaw in Katawa Shoujo is that the main character dresses so poorly it actually upsets me and brings me out of the experience

                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:37:31 UTC from web
                                    1. @scoot The only bit I've seen is when the main character has a heart attack or something over nothing, they explain his condition, and he gets introduced to the class. :\

                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:38:25 UTC from web
                                      1. @flamingpandaomg Yeah that's literally nothing

                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:39:16 UTC from web
                                        1. @scoot I blame Jesse Cox aka OMFGcata and his fan fridays being short. :C

                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:40:28 UTC from web
                                          1. @flamingpandaomg It's probably more my fault for the fact that I throw myself into anything I have even a small amount of interest in and then get annoyed that other people seem so apathetic

                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:41:26 UTC from web
                                            1. @scoot Which isn't bad at all, to be honest.

                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 23:48:31 UTC from web
            3. @scoot I can always expand on them after it's released, so I can work my way up as my skillz improve.

              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:45:12 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi I think you should literally focus on making just ONE character's entire story from start to finish so you can gauge how long it takes you to do a whole story. When you've got the whole method down you just need to do the same thing for everyone else, unless you planned on having all the stories intertwine

                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:47:31 UTC from web
                1. @scoot Yeah, that'd be a good way of doing it.

                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:50:39 UTC from web
          2. @mastertdi 14 character? How many are ya aiming for?

            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:44:59 UTC from web
            1. @pr1nc355luna As many as I can get.

              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:45:50 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi Hm, Can I suggest a good amount? That is, If you would like a very big sim,

                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:47:42 UTC from web
                1. @pr1nc355luna I can always make it bigger after it's released anyway, but sure. All ideas are welcome.

                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:49:25 UTC from web
                  1. @mastertdi I would recommend 15-20, if that is reasonable.

                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:49:54 UTC from web
                    1. @pr1nc355luna Yeah that sounds good. Too little would be boring and too many would be overkill, so that's a nice medium.

                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:51:33 UTC from web
                      1. widget could be my 15th if he replied. >:(

                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:52:15 UTC from web
                      2. @mastertdi Okaythen! I look forward to seeing it! :3

                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:52:30 UTC from web
                        1. @pr1nc355luna Me too! Should hopefully be pretty cool.

                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:53:02 UTC from web
                          1. @mastertdi So, who are all the characters so far?

                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:55:37 UTC from web
                            1. @pr1nc355luna Me, @thelastgherkin, mastertdi, @ceruleanspark, @scoot, @nerthos, @redenchilada, @zeldatra, @rarity, @bowandlyre, @scribus, @flamingpandaomg, @yodelerty, @meloetta and technically @mushi

                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:57:50 UTC from web
                              1. @mastertdi Oh cool!

                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:58:11 UTC from web
                                1. @pr1nc355luna Yuppp

                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:58:48 UTC from web
                              2. @mastertdi love how you included yourself twice. XD

                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:58:14 UTC from web
                                1. @flamingpandaomg I'm just that important also I copy-pasted from OpenOffice so shut up

                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:58:42 UTC from web
                                  1. @mastertdi What about double checking?

                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:59:00 UTC from web
                                    1. @pr1nc355luna Too cool for that

                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:59:29 UTC from web
                                      1. @mastertdi Hmph, but, even so... U can't touch this *Launches into song mode*

                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:00:31 UTC from web
                                        1. @pr1nc355luna I wouldn't touch you anyway cuz you smell

                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:00:55 UTC from web
                                          1. @mastertdi I smell (Let me finish your sentence here) wonderful!

                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:01:56 UTC from web
                                            1. @pr1nc355luna Yeah you wish.

                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:02:17 UTC from web
                                              1. @mastertdi WWWAAAAH

                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:03:46 UTC from web
                                                1. @pr1nc355luna Sux 2 b u m8

                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:03:58 UTC from web
                                                  1. @mastertdi It'll suck to be you in a min *dons my inflatable balloon boxing gloves* Im so boss righ nao.

                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:06:20 UTC from web
                                                    1. @pr1nc355luna I'm so scared

                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:06:43 UTC from web
                                                      1. @mastertdi You better be.

                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:06:56 UTC from web
                                                        1. @pr1nc355luna I so am

                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:07:11 UTC from web
                                                          1. @mastertdi *lunges, epic balloon boxing gloves outstretched in front of me* Hiiii-YAAAH!

                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:07:49 UTC from web
                                                            1. @pr1nc355luna Oh noooo

                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:08:03 UTC from web
                                                              1. @mastertdi *misses by a square inch* ALICORN POWAH ACTIVAATE!

                                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:08:41 UTC from web
                                                                1. @pr1nc355luna Oh noooooooo

                                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:08:53 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @mastertdi *POW. Sudden collision with wall*

                                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:09:25 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @pr1nc355luna That was my favourite wall.

                                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:09:38 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @mastertdi Haha! You wall has been crumbled!

                                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:10:04 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @pr1nc355luna :c

                                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:10:16 UTC from web
                                                2. @pr1nc355luna

                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:04:08 UTC from web
                                                  1. @flamingpandaomg Yes. *hugs*

                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:04:51 UTC from web
                                                    1. @pr1nc355luna

                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:05:38 UTC from web
                                  2. @mastertdi XDD

                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 21:59:04 UTC from web
                              3. @mastertdi Eh wot?

                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:03:21 UTC from web
                                1. @fortecadenza Dating sim funtimes.

                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:03:39 UTC from web
                                  1. @mastertdi @flamingpandaomg

                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:05:15 UTC from web
                                    1. @fortecadenza Because I can and everyone on that list has consented.

                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:05:46 UTC from web
                                      1. @mastertdi or at least expressed interest. Same diff.

                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:06:05 UTC from web
                                      2. @mastertdi Sounds like fun.

                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:06:29 UTC from web
                                        1. @fortecadenza Hopefully t'will be.

                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:06:51 UTC from web
                                2. @fortecadenza RDN dating sim. :D

                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:03:40 UTC from web
                              4. @mastertdi Glorious @ceruleanspark route all day every day, he's my waifu after all.

                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:10:29 UTC from web
                                1. @scoot I feel like it'll be a lot of fun writing for him.

                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:11:10 UTC from web
                                  1. @mastertdi I bet it will be, let me know if you need any hints

                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:11:35 UTC from web
                                    1. @scoot How many hint coins does one cost

                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:12:34 UTC from web
                                      1. @mastertdi 3 each, or one free... service, each.

                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:13:43 UTC from web
                                        1. @scoot I only have 0. God damn it. D:<

                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:14:20 UTC from web
                                          1. @mastertdi You can always pay me in favours instead

                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:15:28 UTC from web
                                            1. @scoot I'll clean your hamster cage.

                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:15:47 UTC from web
                                              1. @mastertdi lol

                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:15:56 UTC from web
                                              2. @mastertdi Nah m8 get us a cuppa tea or sumtin

                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:16:04 UTC from web
                                                1. @scoot Will do. How do you take it.

                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:16:24 UTC from web
                                                  1. @mastertdi Get the opposite of what is asked.

                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:17:30 UTC from web
                                                    1. @pr1nc355luna Why would I do that.

                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:17:44 UTC from web
                                                      1. @mastertdi So that you can show your kindness and appreciation through doing the opposite and claiming you did it perfect.

                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:18:39 UTC from web
                                                        1. @pr1nc355luna That's not how anything works

                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:19:15 UTC from web
                                                          1. @mastertdi I've been doing it wrong the whole time? Ohno.

                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:21:23 UTC from web
                                                            1. @pr1nc355luna Yeah you're a bad person.

                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:21:33 UTC from web
                                                              1. @mastertdi NOOOOO

                                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:22:16 UTC from web
                                                                1. @pr1nc355luna Feel bad.

                                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:22:35 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @mastertdi No. YOU feel bad. You insalted mee.

                                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:22:57 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @pr1nc355luna But I'm not the terrible person here!

                                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:23:14 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @mastertdi Yes. you are.

                                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:24:41 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @pr1nc355luna Nuh uh.

                                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:24:54 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @mastertdi UH HUH.

                                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:26:20 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @pr1nc355luna NUH UH.

                                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:26:25 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @mastertdi UH HUH!

                                                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:39 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @pr1nc355luna NUH UH UH

                                                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:56 UTC from web
                                                                                  1. @mastertdi UH HUH HUH UH HUHUH UH HUH

                                                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:17 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @pr1nc355luna Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh UH

                                                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:35 UTC from web

                                                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:58 UTC from web
                                                                                        1. @pr1nc355luna NO

                                                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:29:16 UTC from web
                                                                                          1. @mastertdi YES. AND THaT's FINAL TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. OR ELLLSSSSE!

                                                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:29:55 UTC from web
                                                  2. @mastertdi milk, 2 sugars

                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:17:44 UTC from web
                                                    1. @scoot Gross. Coming right up.

                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:18:07 UTC from web
                                                      1. @mastertdi Don't you judge me, boy, I know kung fu

                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:18:42 UTC from web
                                                        1. @scoot Kung F U.

                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:19:43 UTC from web
                                                          1. @mastertdi Wow and you called ME rude!

                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:20:08 UTC from web
                                                            1. @scoot You called cabal stupid and smelly!

                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:20:30 UTC from web
                                                              1. @mastertdi No I didn't, you did just now!

                                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:20:43 UTC from web
                                                                1. @scoot Did not.

                                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:20:55 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @mastertdi Did too!

                                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:21:10 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @scoot Where's your proof

                                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:21:22 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @mastertdi Here! Nobody ever called him those things until you did

                                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:22:00 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @scoot That is clearly photoshooped.

                                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:22:25 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @mastertdi Are you calling me a lier?

                                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:23:23 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @scoot or even a *liar

                                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:23:29 UTC from web
                                                                            2. @scoot i AIN'T CALLIN' YOU FOR DINNER

                                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:23:41 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @mastertdi GOOD BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANY *SLAM*

                                                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:25:23 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @scoot I WOULDN'T HAVE MADE YOU ANY ANYWAY *SLAM*

                                                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:25:56 UTC from web
                                                                                  1. @mastertdi WE HAVE A LOT OF DOORS IN THIS HOUSE *SLAM*

                                                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:15 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @scoot STUPID IKEA DESIGNS. *SLAM

                                                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:40 UTC from web
                                                                                      1. @mastertdi * kiwi

                                                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:47 UTC from web
                                                                                      2. @mastertdi I'M TRYING TO LEAVE BUT *SLAM* ALL THESE DOORS *SLAM*

                                                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:05 UTC from web
                                                                                        1. @scoot KEEP YOUR HAND ON THE LEFT WALL

                                                                                          Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:26 UTC from web
                                                                                          1. @mastertdi *puts hand on right wall*

                                                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:44 UTC from web
                                                                                            1. @pr1nc355luna >:U

                                                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:52 UTC from web
                                                                                          2. @mastertdi NO. I'M NOT *SLAM* LISTENING TO YOU *SLAM* Oh whatever I'll just leave out all these windows

                                                                                            Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:29:22 UTC from web
                                                                                            1. @scoot But we're on the fourth floor! D:

                                                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:29:41 UTC from web
                                                                                              1. @mastertdi OW

                                                                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:32:17 UTC from web
                                                                            3. @scoot I hope it's liar instead of lier. That's much better to be called liar.

                                                                              Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:24:34 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @pr1nc355luna Oh I know I am a lier

                                                                                Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:24:54 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @scoot No ways. Lier is to mean for you. You is not a lier. maybe a liar but no lier.

                                                                                  Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:28 UTC from web
                                                                                  1. @pr1nc355luna I mean as in I lie horizontally, that sort of lier.

                                                                                    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:43 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @scoot Okayden. Dats okay.

                                                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:27:59 UTC from web
                                                                                    2. @scoot Are you a lier who's a habitual liar who plays the lyre?

                                                                                      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:12 UTC from web
                                                                                      1. @flamingpandaomg PROBABLY *he lied, habitually*

                                                                                        Saturday, 08-Jun-13 22:28:57 UTC from web