

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @awlderpy My mom says that all the time, no joke.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:02:27 UTC from web
    2. @awlderpy waiting or a download to finish on my 360

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:06:38 UTC from web
    3. @awlderpy fable 3 and it's DLC

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:14:49 UTC from web
    4. @awlderpy it's going to be awhile before it done though

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:16:26 UTC from web
    5. @awlderpy every month now Xbox will have to free games for download

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:22:40 UTC from web
      1. @lordsombra87 Too bad it'll be a paid service still. :\

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:23:03 UTC from web
        1. @flamingpandaomg yea. it only free to gold members too

          Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:26:58 UTC from web
          1. @lordsombra87 That's the thing. Live Gold is necessary to even remotely enjoy being online. Without it you can't voice chat, can't go into parties, can't get the free games, can't watch Netflix... can't do almost anything. The free side of PSN at least lets you do anything you want without a restriction. PSN+ just gives you some extra incentives to get it. It doesn't try to make it look like a requirement to enjoy yourself.

            Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:29:05 UTC from web
            1. @flamingpandaomg and that's why im not getting the Xbox One. I'll get wither a PS4 or Wii U

              Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:32:41 UTC from web
              1. @lordsombra87 I'll definitely get a PS4 by time I can afford one. A 3DS XL would be nice too, and a WiiU would just be a luxury thing if I ever get a damn job

                Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:33:32 UTC from web
                1. @flamingpandaomg same here. the Wii U is in my price range but i have to save up cash foir it and anything else i want

                  Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:41:37 UTC from web
    6. @awlderpy let alone the fact that PSN+ is like half the price of Live Gold is ridiculous. The only reason why I didn't get it is because at the time I didn't have money to spare. We have financial instability ... a lot.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:32:10 UTC from web
    7. @awlderpy I blame it all on one mistake. If I hadn't done that one thing, I wouldn't be in the precarious position I'm in now.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:34:04 UTC from web
    8. @awlderpy Thanks. I'm sure it will eventually. I mean, it's been 9 months. Something has to happen at some point, right?

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:35:48 UTC from web
    9. @awlderpy I should have had that, but due to the series of events that happened, my previous employer denied my unemployment, saying it was due to my quitting due to issues that had no relevancy to my job.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:38:54 UTC from web
    10. @awlderpy Lets just say while I was living with what's now my ex-girlfriend, my mother had a medical emergency and nearly died. She recuperated, but I attempted to transfer back to my job at the Wal-Mart here in town and help take care of her. However, because I was leaving in such a rush, my boss at the Wal-Mart where I was working when I was with my girlfriend told me just to go ahead and move, and that I would have no troubles transferring. I move back, try to transfer, and I was denied the ability to transfer back because they weren't accepting anybody new until the first of this January. This was back on the first of October. I couldn't just sit there in limbo for that long, and their medical leave you'd normally use required you to have a Wal-Mart you currently worked at, which I didn't have one then, so they terminated me from the system.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:44:30 UTC from web
    11. @awlderpy Yep. I'm kinda used to that though. As far as I can think back, that's how life always managed to turn out for me. If it wasn't them, it was girlfriend after girlfriend using me for money or treating me like crap or anything like that. I'm kinda used to it by now, but after nine months of this, it really feels like it's killing me. My parents have been providing for me, helping me whenever they can, and they can hardly afford to support themselves, all the while they're helping my sister all of the time. It's just really a mood dampener. I try not to think about it, but it's hard to do when you have all the time in the world to stew in it.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:49:54 UTC from web
    12. @awlderpy I'm sure it will. Thanks though. It really does help.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:51:50 UTC from web
    13. @awlderpy Exactly. I'm just in a bad slump, but thinking about it, even nine months is a short time compared to the overall time I'll be here. There's no reason to really make a big fuss over it all.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:56:09 UTC from web
    14. @awlderpy Recently I've been a lot more moody than I honestly should be or usually are, and frankly I just got tired of it. I've just been trying to keep things that usually annoy or anger me out of the way and try to be more positive.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:04:38 UTC from web
    15. @awlderpy No, it's fine. I've mostly come to terms with my whole predicament. It's just helpful to vent sometimes (even though I vent a lot here >.> but we'll just act like I don't.)

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:07:29 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg We'd tell you if we ever minded. :p

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:08:19 UTC from web
        1. @coffeecream I sure hope so. otherwise it'd have been a waste of 11,986 posts, huh? XD

          Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:09:33 UTC from web
    16. @awlderpy XD smart dole.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:08:57 UTC from web
    17. @awlderpy XD You know what was filtered there.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:09:51 UTC from web
    18. @awlderpy I believe it's another word for a donkey. :p

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:11:28 UTC from web
    19. @awlderpy I ... I can't even. xD

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:12:56 UTC from web
    20. @awlderpy

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:14:25 UTC from web
    21. @awlderpy Of course. :3

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:16:08 UTC from web
    22. @awlderpy X3

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 08:19:10 UTC from web